First impressions can make or break your next big business opportunity. Here are five ways to make a GREAT first impression, especially at BNI meetings:
1) Show Genuine Interest in Others: Listen actively when someone speaks, ask thoughtful questions, and be genuinely curious about their business and experiences. People remember how you made them feel, and showing interest in their stories creates a positive and lasting impression.
2) Have a Strong, Clear Introduction: Be prepared with a concise and compelling introduction about who you are and what you do. A confident, clear introduction makes you memorable and positions you as someone with clarity and value to offer. Remember to tailor your introduction based on who you're speaking with, emphasizing points relevant to them.
3) Maintain Positive Body Language: Body language speaks louder than words. Smile, maintain eye contact, and use open, welcoming gestures. These non-verbal cues can establish warmth and approachability, helping others feel comfortable in your presence.
4) Bring Value to the Conversation: Whether it’s offering advice, making a relevant connection, or sharing an insight, always aim to add value to the conversation. The philosophy of "Givers Gain," which BNI emphasizes, applies here—help others without expecting immediate returns, and people will remember you positively.
5) Follow-Up Thoughtfully: After a first meeting, ensure you follow up with a personalized message or connection on social media. Reaffirming something specific from your conversation shows that you were paying attention and care about continuing the relationship. It leaves an impression of professionalism and reliability.
Follow @queencitybnivt for more networking tips!
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