What Johnny Thorsen doesn't know or can't see about tech in travel isn't worth thinking about. So when he offers 7 mins of wisdom on the topic you take it. Enjoy.
Walk'n Talker, Serial consulting and association guy, Founder of temoji - consultancy, marketing and advisory for corporate travel and meetings industry suppliers.
*** Fresh Air by temoji #6 - Johnny Thorsen*** It's "Outside- Interview" bonanza week as this 6th interview is 7 mins of gold with Johnny Thorsen from Serko Ltd. The irony is, with Johnny as a tech expert, the video failed before we hit the end, but it doesn't affect the quality of insights. We talk... 💯Reactions to a stat on tech innovation from "The Hundred" 💻Perspective on tech evolution 🤖What AI will be doing for us #WalknTalk #OutsideInterview #TheHundred --------------- I'm Paul Tilstone, founder of temoji consulting, walker'n talker and builder of social & intellectual capital. Find out more at www.temoji.consulting