Arriving at the twilight of my time as a John M Belk Impact Fellow, I am in awe of the nurturing home the NC State Belk Center for Community College Research has been for me.
Over 8 short months, I have benefited from being part of a team of experts who work with determination not only to empower presidents, administrators, and Ed.D candidates to serve 2-year pathway students via data-driven insights, but also mentored my professional growth by leveling up my research, networking, and logistical capabilities.
To express my gratitude for a team that embraced my growth as their own, and to encourage others interested in education policy research and advocacy to apply for this opportunity, I want to share how this fellowship can accelerate any candidate’s development based on my own journey:
⦿ Level Up Research Skills: From day one, Belk Center colleagues like Nohemi Ramirez and Dr. Monique N. Colclough have helped deepen my understanding of leadership support systems across all 58 NC community colleges. Through hands-on deliverables, I’ve sharpened my ability to work with large datasets and evolving news cycles—transforming large amounts of information into digestible briefs, tables, visualizations and even course syllabi, to better support our community colleges advocacy goals and leadership.
Soon, I will also be developing a program evaluation proposal for the Belk Fellows program, a confidence boosting step toward my growth as a graduate researcher!
⦿ Build your Logistics and Networking Muscles: Over the past year, I have been able to discuss my experiences as a transfer and non-traditional learner at panels with politicians and researchers, and support portions of planning for large events like the Dallas Herring Lecture, all thanks to the hands on mentoring from both The Hunt Institute and the Belk Center.
⦿ Grow With a Cohort: With 15 other fellows placed at host sites across NC, I engaged in structured professional development through events like the Fireside Chats hosted by the Hunt Institute. These sessions not only helped me plan for life after graduation but built friendships with peers who shared my education policy passions, and provided great support throughout this new fellowship. A sincere thank you to them all!
Your journey in the program may be different, but the gains will be large regardless. On a personal level, I am just grateful to be given more power to pursue my goal to support the Great 58! in their role to help rewrite destinies for adult learners like myself, and support leaders that help empower professional mobility for all North Carolinians more.
More to follow before May, but special thanks to Dr. Audrey Jaeger for her kind advocacy of my goals, and Jamison Lowery and now Ciena Tineo, for their support through the amazing Hunt Institute.
If interested in this unique chance to expose yourself to the inner workings of major educational NC nonprofits, please do apply here!