The Carbon Almanac

The Carbon Almanac

Non-profit Organizations

IT’S NOT TOO LATE (COME JOIN US) #factsconnectionaction

About us

The Carbon Almanac is a reference book to help us create change, right here and right now. #factsconnectionaction Ideas can spread and multiply, creating new opportunities and new frontiers. But we’re still on the same planet, no matter how much a few people spend to go (almost) into orbit. As we begin to move beyond a century of industrialism, all of us are coming to grips with the impact that the industrial engines we depend on have created. The chronic shift in the climate of the entire planet is going to be the most significant driver of change of the next twenty years. For all of us, not just a few. Unlike current events or politics, this is neither local nor temporary. It’s hard to fight the weather, as it changes all of the inputs and the outputs of our life. The first step is to realize that we’re in it together. The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and illustrators that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. Almanacs have been around since Benjamin Franklin, and even in the age of the web, they serve a useful function. Collecting relevant tables, facts, explanations, lists and history in a format that’s easy to reference and share gives us a chance to agree on what we agree on, a common foundation for moving forward. It’s a zero-profit venture, a group effort designed to create a print and digital document that fills the vital niche between the cutting edge and apathy. Meet the people behind this project: About the Founding Editor: Seth Godin is the author of 20 international bestsellers that have changed the way people think about work and have been translated into 38 languages. He writes the most popular marketing blog in the world and speaks to audiences around the world. . He is the founder of the altMBA, Squidoo, the former VP of Direct Marketing at Yahoo!, and the founder of Yoyodyne.

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Employees at The Carbon Almanac


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    Talking about #climatechange - both the causes and the solutions - is important to create awareness and broaden understanding. But sometimes the topic is hard to introduce into a conversation. Using recent events - damaging storms, flooding, wildfires - can be an opportunity. Or perhaps this video from climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe could help start or broaden a conversation. Happy chatting!🙂

    Pattrn on Instagram: "Why is our planet heating up? (#spoiler it's us) #climatechange #climatescience #science #facts #mythbusting #earth"

    Pattrn on Instagram: "Why is our planet heating up? (#spoiler it's us) #climatechange #climatescience #science #facts #mythbusting #earth"

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    🔗 We are all connected Today we celebrate #InternationalDay of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. Raoni Metuktire is an Indigenous Brazilian leader and environmentalist. Born in 1932, he has seen a lot of change due to #climatechange. In #TheCarbonAlmanac, we feature his quote and it serves as a reminder that we are all connected. 🌍 "We all breathe this one air, we all drink the same water. We all live on this one planet. We need to protect the Earth. If we don’t, the big winds will come and destroy the forest. Then you will feel the fear that we feel."

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    💫 Activism Success 💫 Clean Creatives is a group of individuals who have come together to change the world of advertising and disengage from fossil fuel polluters. As of this past April, 1,000 agencies signed the pledge to not accept fossil fuel campaigns. And their activism success continues. Their latest collective initiative involved campaigning B Lab to review Havas’ (one of the world’s largest communication companies) B Corp certification given the agency’s work with Shell. Clean Creative’s campaign began last fall and after many months of investigation, B Lab recently revoked Havas’ B Corp status. Perhaps this success can inspire you to advocate for changes at your workplace? You can read more here⤵️

    1,000 ad agencies sign Clean Creatives’ pledge to divest from fossil fuels on Earth Day

    1,000 ad agencies sign Clean Creatives’ pledge to divest from fossil fuels on Earth Day

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    ➡️ Part two of a ten part series: Diving into The Carbon Almanac - They selfishly pushed shame The term “carbon footprint”, was invented by British Petroleum and Ogilvy and Mather to make people feel shame. The reason it works is simple. Because if you feel like a hypocrite, you’re less likely to speak out. The message is: Clean up your own house. Make sure you’ve never been on an airplane; you don’t own a car; you’re vegan; you compost everything and you have no children. Until you’ve done all those things, we don’t want to hear from you. That’s why they invented and promoted the idea of a #carbonfootprint. The thing is, that was 40 years ago. Pushing the wealthy privileged people of the West to consume a little bit less so they feel a little bit less shame has worked beautifully for the oil companies. Because during that 40-year period of time, we have not organized to remove the huge tax breaks that go to the oil and gas industry. We have persisted in standing by when they built coal plants, because no one felt clean enough to speak up. And we haven’t eliminated the 50 billion dollars in annual tax subsidies that go to the beef industry. It’s not too late, but it will require change. Stop being ashamed. #FactsConnectionAction

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    🌖 In honor of the second anniversary of the launch of #TheCarbonAlmanac, we are showcasing our ten part series again that delved into the book’s insights, themes, and impact. ➡️ Part one of a ten part series: Diving into The Carbon Almanac - We need systemic change Each and every one of us has the power to bring about #systemicchange. That’s why we don’t have CFCs in our fridges or lead in our fuel. It’s why women can vote and it’s why you can now get #organicfood in any supermarket. But it’s really daunting to think about bringing about systemic change on your own. ✨️ From our work with The Carbon Almanac, we have already seen that organizing, communicating, sharing and building solutions is very rewarding. ✔️ To effectively work against the climate emergency, we need systemic, industrial, international solutions. How can you reach 10 people in your family, workspace or neighborhood who can help you organize something that will bring about systemic change in your area? Share your experiences online!

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    Talking with #kids about #climatechange can feel daunting as it is a big problem with big consequences. We have lots of resources aimed at having conversations with kids including: 🧩 Games 🎙 A podcast 🎧 An audiobook 📚 A kid friendly version of #TheCarbonAlmanac 👀 Looking for more? Check out Project Drawdown for other ideas on how to engage youth on the topic. As the organization’s Managing Director suggests “talking to children about climate change is not just about educating them on the science; it’s about empowering them to be part of the #solution”. #GenerationCarbon

    Generation Carbon – A Carbon Almanac for Kids

    Generation Carbon – A Carbon Almanac for Kids

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    #Sustainability efforts are music to our ears. British band, #Coldplay, has sold over 100 millions albums worldwide and headlined on eight tours that have taken them around the globe. On their recent tour, they have focused on their sustainability efforts and worked to reduce their impact to the environment. 🌳 Their latest report indicates that their #carbondioxide emissions are 59% lower than their previous tour. Other highlights include: ▪️18 shows powered entirely using the tourable battery system ▪️Over 20 partnerships to help fans attend shows via low carbon transport ▪️72% of tour waste avoided landfill 👉🏽 Read the report here: These results have been validated by MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative. BBC interviewed lead singer, Chris Martin, about this initiative and the values of the band. What is your favorite band doing to help reduce the impacts of their tour? #FactsConnectionAction

    Coldplay say they have beaten eco-touring targets

    Coldplay say they have beaten eco-touring targets

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    You’ve probably noticed all the news about the rise of #AI and its implications for everything from politics and democracy to the future of employment. But as a recent edition of Heated notes, something that is less frequently mentioned is the immense amount of #energy needed to power the physical infrastructure - "cell towers, transformers and especially data centers: huge concrete buildings housing tens of thousands of computer servers cooled by trillions of liters of water" - upon which AI and other internet-based services (like Amazon Web Services cloud which hosts streaming services like Netflix) reside. So, should you feel guilty about the fact that you - and about "45 million other people" binge watched the latest season of Bridgerton over the past few weekends? According to "Michael Khoo, climate disinformation program director at the nonprofit Friends of the Earth, and author of a recent report on artificial intelligence "individual users are not the internet’s biggest problem but rather the blame should be placed on “a tech industry committed to the endless expansion of its offerings—particularly artificial intelligence—while shrugging off responsibility for the consequences." Unlike some other sources of #greenhousegas (GHG) emissions there is much about the internet that is climate-positive - Khoo goes on to say “There are a ton of great things that happen on the internet, including research on #climatechange and communications between scientists.” Add in the ability to work remotely as well as predict natural disasters and extreme weather events that put human life at risk and it is obvious that the internet is something we want to use responsibly rather than eliminate completely. Again, individual users are not causing that much damage, though of course in the aggregate our habits matter. 👉🏼The real culprits are “artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency, which are largely responsible for the recent boom in emissions.” 💡So what can we do - as a community we can push for systemic change in the tech industry including a requirement for their facilities to be powered by renewable energy, full transparency from each company as to the amount of energy they are using and where it is coming from and “more discernment about whether AI is actually needed by every industry.”

    Are your internet habits killing the planet?

    Are your internet habits killing the planet?

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    The ‘official’ start to summer is June 20th in the Northern hemisphere though it seems that the heat of the season has arrived earlier. There is a heat dome happening in North America with the mercury reaching temperatures that normally are seen later in the season. 🌡In addition, Delhi India recently broke temperature records with a new record of 49.9 degrees Celsius (121.8 degrees Fahrenheit). The previous record was 49.2 degrees Celsius (120.5 degrees Fahrenheit), which happened just two years ago. High temperatures are particularly problematic for senior citizens as the body doesn’t cool down as easily. By mid century, about 20% of the world’s population will be over 60. If you are 35 years or older now, you are included in that number. Another vulnerable group are the unhoused. Human actions are causing #climatechange which in turn is causing more extreme heat waves. Which can also lead to conditions for forest fires. ✅️ Want to help? Here are some ideas for action: #FactsConnectionAction #TheCarbonAlmanac

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    Dr. Adam Levy is a climate scientist and has a PhD from Oxford University. He is known by the moniker ClimateAdam on social media. He takes us through carbon capture storage (CCS) and the challenges surrounding it including effectiveness, cost and risks. Watch his interesting video and come away with a better understanding of this complicated and controversial topic. #TheCarbonAlmanac #FactsConnectionAction

    The tough reality of Carbon Capture & Storage

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