

Business Consulting and Services

Eugene, OR 185 followers

Stewarding communities to co-create living soil food systems

About us

Stewarding regenerative living soil projects that engage communities to create thriving food systems. For all. No exceptions. ThePivot.Earth is a women-led team united by a conviction that the transformative potential of living soil can rejuvenate communities. We champion a human-centered systems-change methodology, infusing our work with proven facilitation and mapping frameworks. These powerful tools seamlessly navigate the intricacies of large-scale implementation projects, addressing them in a comprehensive, holistic manner—encompassing the realms of regeneration, social dynamics, economic impact, emotional well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Eugene, OR
Public Company
Values-based emergent facilitation, Holistic Systems Mapping, Stakeholder Engagement, Partnership Development, Funding Pathways, System Optimization, Program Management, Regenerative Agriculture, Living Soil Food Systems, Community Building, Regenerative Economics, Story Telling, Restoring Watersheds, Microbiome, No-till Farming, Biodiversity, Indigenous Wisdom, Farm to Table, Holistic Grazing, and Permaculture


Employees at ThePivot.Earth


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    Hope resonates deeply as we leave after five amazing days in Protopia. We've been emersed with Protopian's doing the mycelial work weaving a better world together in concreate and substantial ways. We feel a deep sense of validation that our work at ThePivot.Earth is an important contribution - a puzzle piece in this growing global mycelium. #regenerativeleadership #regeneration #soilhealth #microbiome #healthycommunities

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    Oh I am grinning- look what came across my feed this very morning! Juicy rich conversation last night touched on this very thing- undervalued regenerative jobs and who can role model the shift for us! Oliver Dauert thank you! Oh I am deeply struck by synchronicity- in a powerful conversation last night with an environmental science student and his friends (students of Pitzer College) round the table here at the inimitable Finca Luna Nueva (on the “dragons tongue” of the Children’s Eternal Rainforest here in Costa Rica…) a very real concern, voiced beautifully, was could one find peace in beginning his career working for environmentally unsustainable but lucrative companies to make enough money to then contribute positively to the world? Ouch. I had a million reactions to that AND the deep opening of just listening and asking questions. What a world of contradictions and challenges we have created for ourselves and our young people. what I can say is I am deeply grateful to feel on the path, not knowing exactly where it will head, but so enriched (and nourished!) by linking arms with those who walk alongside me. Onwards!

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    We cannot wage war on the outer world without experiencing the effects within… Thank you Scott Fulton for the clear reminder🙏🏼

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    Author: WHEALTHSPAN / Keynote Speaker, Lecturer, Longevity & Communities Innovator/ President, Home Ideations / Past President, National Aging in Place Council / American College of Lifestyle Medicine

    In farming circles, #Parkinson’s Disease is known as farmers’ disease. Keith, a large Midwest farm owner, approached me with questions several times at a recent conference, upon learning I’d once run a #pesticide plant for one of the big chemical companies. His father had succumbed to Parkinson’s, and he felt like he was a ticking time bomb. He'd cut his pesticide use in half over the last 10 years but was afraid of what might happen if he stopped using them altogether. To see the fear in the big man’s eyes was unforgettable. Our #endocrine and #neuromuscular systems remain a mystery to medical science. Vastly more complex than an organ, they communicate and behave in ways we no little about. In addition to #Roundup (glyphosate), #Simazine, #Lindane, and #Atrazine are also linked to Parkinson’s. As consumers, our risk comes from runoff and residues. Most pesticides sterilize #organic compounds in the soil, causing it to become more compact and less able to retain water, resulting in more runoff. The problem is exacerbated because the farmer has to water the fields more to make up for lost rainwater, causing even more runoff. Where does the runoff go? Into the streams, rivers, lakes, and water tables, eventually making its way into almost everything we consume at trace levels. This is particularly dangerous given that so many pesticides are water-soluble, with half-lives of hundreds of days. They can travel over 1,000 miles easily during that time, which is one of the reasons why tracing these back to the source is so difficult. Residues are what remain on the surface and within the plant. Washing can help remove spray residues, but doesn't address what is absorbed into the food. Many absorb the insecticide, pesticide, or fungicide up through the roots. No amount of washing addressed entrained residues. Forget about looking for a smoking gun. These are fog applications of millions of pounds of multiple chemicals broadcast at various times over a growing season, varying by crop, weather, infestation, season, and region. Companies like Grounded Growth are working to help transition growers and food companies to cleaner foods, but it’s a momentous task.

    Parkinson's: 3 more pesticides strongly linked to higher risk

    Parkinson's: 3 more pesticides strongly linked to higher risk

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    Exploring interconnected realms of landforms, biodiversity, and cultural history, communities can unlock true resilience. Imagine a world where localities thrive harmoniously with their environment, linking hearts and hands in a web for the future we know is possible. Thank you Brandon Letsinger … Signed up for the upcoming Learning Journey to Regenerate Bioregions. It’s the work my heart leans into!

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    Regenerate Cascadia. A 501(c)3 program of the Department of Bioregion.

    What is a Bioregion? A lot of people with great intentions are leaning into using the term bioregion, maybe without a lot of knowledge of where the term comes from, or how it relates to bioregionalism, as a set of ethics and principles. Exploring this emerging coherence is very exciting, and so I'm excited to share a new article exploring the topic. I've also greatly expanded the Wikipedia article helping explore Bioregions:

    What is a Bioregion? - Brandon Letsinger

    What is a Bioregion? - Brandon Letsinger

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    What is your definition of Hope in these times?

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    Chief Culture and Business Development Officer. ThePivot.Earth. Stewarding regenerative living soil projects that engage communities to create thriving food systems. For all. No exceptions.

    I was offered this beautiful thought from Don Four Arrows Jacobs this morning - “Hope” can be redefined as cultivating certainty that what you are doing (or how you are being) is the right thing to do or be regardless of outcome. This way then becomes a light on our path in uncertain times, a very internal source for our “Hope” (my wording). As Marianne Wyne Wyne and I revel in the creativity of being physically together here in Costa Rica preparing for the Protopian Convergence, thoughts of offering and immersive experience into the internal Commons arise. By that I mean that interiority field we all have access to work with. This feels to be the ONLY cultivation that can actually bring wisdom to the energetic shift to Right Action in protecting and valuing our external Commons. A rich contemplation today…

    Next event | Protopian Convergence Costa Rica 15-19 March 24

    Next event | Protopian Convergence Costa Rica 15-19 March 24

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    View profile for Dr. Melanie Carlone, DPT, MS, graphic

    Chief Culture and Business Development Officer. ThePivot.Earth. Stewarding regenerative living soil projects that engage communities to create thriving food systems. For all. No exceptions.

    On the journey to clearing our own inner feminine landscapes to hold space for the challenges ahead, here is a gem of an opportunity! The Freedom From Trauma Summit is free to all participants. It is a summit where women and non-binary people speak about how they recover and then sustain their freedom after trauma. There are 20 speakers including Lou Lachman. Each speaker shares a free gift with the audience, which is amazing. Some, like Lou, are sharing a workshop, some are sharing a .pdf wth information about how to recover from trauma. It’s beautiful. It is so wonderful to have so many professionals and survivors talk about their experiences and tools to deal with trauma for the benefit of all. The talks and connections have been inspiring and heartful. Please pass this on to anyone you think could benefit. We are all needing to do the work ahead!

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    Heard about "Black Gold" or "Amazonian dark earth" (ADE). "This layer of charcoal-black soil, which can be up to 3.8m (12.5ft) thick, is found in patches across the Amazon basin. It is intensely fertile – rich in decaying organic matter and nutrients essential for growing crops, such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. But unlike the thin, sandy soils typical of the rainforest, this layer was not deposited naturally – it was the work of ancient humans. This rich soil is a relic from a very different time – an era when indigenous groups formed a thriving network of settlements across this rainforest world. Indigenous communities relied on ADE to improve the productivity of their land. These layers of soil were made on purpose. Now there's growing interest in the lessons their methods may hold for societies today, from improving crop yields to beating climate change. If you are interested in archeology, you'll want to read this fascinating article about the rise and fall of ancient indigenous civilizations across the Amazon. The oldest layers of these black soils are around 5,000 years old! #soilhealth #microbiome #regenerativeagriculture #regeneration

    The 'dark earth' revealing the Amazon's secrets

    The 'dark earth' revealing the Amazon's secrets

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    A heartwarming 5 min story to start your week (and 2024) on farmers making the paradigm and transformational shift FROM industrial/chemical farming TO regenerative farming. I love this quote "I think we are all surprised at how quickly things can turn around and restore and take shape if you let the land lead. When you accompany and assist that can go really quickly". Thank you to Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT for supporting farmers reverting to regenerative farming. #healthysoil #microbiome #regenerativefarming

    When You Let The Land Lead

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    Gorgeous article and deep gratitude Trae Ashlie-Garen for your superb curation in sharing this! 🔦. Conscious Leadership is a deeply sought, though not always well understood, journey in these current turbulent times. When we can inspire transcending outdated traditional roles and tap into our possibility as selfless stewards to local regenerative living soil projects, we depart from mere managerial or "consulting" functions into something far greater and more impactful. We tap into inspiration that transmutes self-doubt into self-confidence through being seen, heard and supported into our true Purpose by Aligning with the Commons we choose to work within. Fear becomes courage, stagnation, growth. Our approach ultimately must become self-less, become community purposed, rooted in a deep desire to support the flourishing of others in order to truly understand what "personal gain" means, maybe for the first time in our colonized lives. In Buddhism this is called "Mudita" - the practice of finding joy and happiness in the success, well-being, or good fortune of others. It involves rejoicing in the positive experiences and achievements of others without any sense of jealousy or comparison. Not the easy path for most of us have no idea what this really means. I know I struggle with it. And learn a lot from keeping at it. Inspired by ancient wisdom, we at ThePivot, over and again, commit to the well-being of our inner selves, our community and the world at large. The triumph of healing our personal trauma and thereby igniting each others growth defines our own form of conscious leadership. Guiding individuals we work with to uncover their unique potential as we regenerate soil, practice mutuality and help communities to thrive in doing so, creates fulfilling lives, lived on purpose and in mutual benefit. The antidote to the swirl of these times. Measure success not by personal accolades, but by the positive impact created on the lives we touch then, as conscious leaders, we transcend personal ambitions, draw wisdom from ancient cultures and a renew a sense of response-ability for collective well-being. We invite you to join in on such a conscious leadership journey. Perhaps you are inspired to join us as we support local regenerative living soil projects, inspire community to thrive, and do so encouraging the human spirit to consciously awaken in pursuit of boundless possibilities. We got this... Thank you Peter Philips! Keep going brother... #ConsciousLeadership #LeadershipDevelopment #RegenerativeLiving #SoilHealth #SustainableBusiness #CommunityBuilding #PurposeDriven #SocialImpact #ThePivot.Earth #Wellbeing #Mutuality #PersonalGrowth #Mudita #AncientWisdom #CollectiveWellBeing #Inspiration #SelflessLeadership #SoilRegeneration #HumanSpirit #BoundlessPossibilities #ConsciousBusiness

    Conscious Leadership

    Conscious Leadership

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    Do you have inspiring meetings that tap brilliance and participation? Do you leave a virtual space enriched and enhanced? All too often the answer is No! We are finding holistic and enriching community engagement may be simpler than we imagine. And available every time. Sure, the digital realm presents its challenges (stiff hip flexors and distraction traps anyone?) It also opens up unique opportunities for creating meaningful and enriching experiences for community members across a global stage! Here's a kind and simple blueprint we appreciate (and evolve ongoingly) at ThePivot. Maybe it will touch you as well and help your people go beyond the screen and touch upon the physical and emotional aspects of total well-being. Share onwards! *1. Opening Coherence (at least 5 minutes): Slow down to go faster (African indigenous wisdom I adore). Start your virtual session on an energetic note to help refine your meeting on many levels. Begin with a warm welcome and then before diving in invite/guide participation in a brief mindfulness and grounding exercise. Creating coherence within the virtual space between you sets the stage for outcomes beyond the ordinary. Try it. You will get beyond the inevitable eye-rolling some exhibit. *2. Check-In (5-10 minutes): Shift the focus to the participants and their present state as it contributes to the "common space" between you. Dedicate time for "How are you arriving" and "What are you bringing?" (Thank you Trae Ashlie-Garen for this and for #5!). This time models trust, respectful communication, and cultivating an environment of openness and support. *3. Bring a clear outline of the intention and focus of the meeting, co create agendas when appropriate. Stay with it (or acknowledge if you have veered). This reflects honoring of time, a commodity and gift. *4. Invite Intermittent Movement Breaks (5-10 minutes): Recognize and honor the gift of physical movement for brain coherence and nervous system health in our often sedentary virtual world. Introduce short, intermittent movement breaks during the session (1 song dance party anyone?). These breaks energize participants, bring laughter and contribute to overall well-being. Bursts of creativity result when guided back to the task at hand afterwards. *5. Closing and Check-Out (5 minutes): Wrap up the session with a gorgeously simple gratitude and clarifying practice. Try "What did you appreciate and what are you curious about?" Take notes. This often provides richness for subsequent meetings... Leave everyone with a positive and empowered mindset. Perhaps participants even take on such practices and enrich their own circles with their takeaway! Meetings that clearly show honor to participants and address physical and emotional well-being help to create spaces that nurture communities on every level. Elevate your virtual meetings, and watch as connections strengthen, innovation erupts and well-being flourishes, one session at a time.

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