The Tadpole Experiment

The Tadpole Experiment


Pop-up experiment on the effects of weak magnetic fields in biology. Run in open science mode.

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Pop-up experiment on the effects of weak magnetic fields in biology. Run in open science mode by @ClariceDAiello @LodesaniA @gabalski @OlliPayne @geoffanders. Follow us at!

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Los Angeles


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  • Attention attention, calling all citizen scientists! We've finished one experiment on 2 batches of tadpoles. Half the tadpoles were raised under Earth's magnetic field of ~ 50 muT, half under a field < 1 nT (!) starting less than 1 h post-fertilization. In the below links, you can find *all* our images of the tadpoles after 4 days. There were 20 "plates" or dishes of 24 tiny "ponds" each; 10 plates were put inside our hypomagnetic chamber, 10 were kept outside. We randomized the plate numbers in the below folders -- only Alessandro Lodesani has the key to the condition, namely control or hypomagnetic, of any given plate! In each folder, there is a template spreadsheet for assessment of the tadpoles. You can have a look and try to assess the tadpoles. Send us a message to get your spreadsheet "revealed" and analyzed! In those 2 batches, do we see effects of a hypomagnetic environment in tadpole development??? Batch 1: Batch 2:

  • Can we cure disease by driving cellular processes with weak magnetic fields? There is an understudied fact in biology that is long overdue to be rationally harnessed for therapeutics. This fact, observed for over 50 years, is that weak magnetic fields can tweak the whole machinery of the cell, from ion channel functioning [1], to the regulation of oxidative stress [2], to the yield of DNA repair [3] and cellular proliferation [4]. This sensitivity to weak magnetic fields is found across multiple cell types and in organisms in all branches of the tree of life, including mammal and human cells. One present challenge of using weak magnetic fields to improve cell function is the fact that the underlying mechanism of action is not well understood, as is, in fact, also the case for many chemical drugs; in spite of that, many companies have empirically found magnetic fields that cause tumor reduction [4] and wound healing [5], among other physiological responses. Beyond #TheTadpoleExperiment, we aim to find a mechanistic explanation of how magnetic fields affect biology, so that we might learn how to deterministically, not haphazardly, electromagnetically tweak cellular processes leading to disease prevention and reversal. Modern cell phones and wearable and miniaturization technologies are already sufficient to produce the tailored, weak magnetic fields that could function as personalized therapeutics. Moreover, many electromagnetic therapeutic devices (e.g., the devices from Novocure [4] or Regenesis Bio [5]) have already paved the way to obtain FDA approval. Therapeutics have thus far relied on chemicals, but using knowledge from experiments such as #TheTadpoleExperiment, a whole new set of electromagnetic therapeutic possibilities may become available. Notably, no genetic modification is required, as the magnetic field sensitivity is endogenous to the cellular biomolecules, but genetic alterations could even be crafted to exacerbate a desired physiological effect in response to a weak magnetic field. Similarly, weak magnetic fields could also modulate the effects of established therapeutic interventions. Research in bioelectromagnetics has thus the potential to advance the development of endogenous (i.e., no need for genetically engineering cells), non-chemical, non-invasive, cheap, portable, and remotely actuated electromagnetic medical treatments accessible to anyone with a cell phone. *** [1] "Effects of electromagnetic fields on neuronal ion channels: a systematic review", [2] "The quantum biology of reactive oxygen species partitioning impacts cellular bioenergetics", [3] "A compass at weak magnetic fields using thymine dimer repair", [4] [5]

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    But do cells and organisms really react to weak magnetic fields, you ask? For over 50 years, scientists have been gathering evidence of the biological impacts of weak magnetic fields. Weak magnetic fields alter, among other things, respiration and the production of oxidants in human cells[1]; birds used the Earth's field to navigate[2]. Companies use fields to treat tumors[3], and vividly, researchers have observed that raising tadpoles in a hypomagnetic chamber causes many fewer of the embryos to remain viable[4]. The effects of weak magnetic fields on biological systems is in some cases a surprise[5,6]. In a small minority of cases, cells contain chunks of magnetite, enabling them to respond to magnetic fields like a compass. In another minority of instances, organisms have organs that act like conduction channels -- this is how electric eels and manta rays sense magnetic fields. But for most cases, scientists have been unable to explain how the impacts occur, especially because the effects do not necessarily get larger when the magnetic field is increased. The result has been uncertainty in the scientific community, with some researchers unwilling to admit the existence of weak magnetic field effects before a causal mechanism can be established. Taking a page from the history of science, it may be possible to help scientific consensus catch up to the cutting edge through the use of public demonstrations[7]. With experimental results visible to both scientists and the public, it may become clearer whether effects from weak magnetic fields are real, even before a clear causal mechanism is established. As a result, #TheTadpoleExperiment is performing a public replication of a key experiment: raising tadpoles in a hypomagnetic chamber. The chamber is made with mu-metal, a special alloy that, in this case, reduces the magnetic field inside the chamber to 9 nT. This is much lower than Earth's 50 muT! According to the prevailing scientific wisdom, the diminished magnetic field should not produce notable effects. Yet, given what has been observed py previous researchers, we should expect to see significantly higher rates of non-viability. Watch the experiment as it takes place at! * [1]The quantum biology of reactive species partitioning impacts cellular bioenergetics, [2]The radical-pair mechanism of magnetoreception, [3]Magnetic therapy enhances chemotherapy of breast cancer, [4]Peter Fierlinger and Dima Budker, unpublished data, 17--19 [5]Magnetoreception in animals, [6]Biological effects of the hypomagnetic field, [7]The reception of Volta's Electrophorus among 18th-century electricians,

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  • #TheTadpoleExperiment is live, delving into the intriguing effects of magnetic fields on life. Join us on this journey of discovery of the life magnetic at! TL;DR: Over the next 3 months, we will test the effects of varying magnetic fields on the biological development of tadpoles and zebrafish.  * For years, the scientific community has been intrigued by reports of weak magnetic fields influencing biological systems. These effects are observed universally across various cell types and organisms. Yet, skepticism persists, partly due to inconsistencies in reproducing results and a lack of a clear underlying scientific explanation. Additionally, there's a cultural hesitation within the scientific community to embrace this area of study.   We're on a mission to transform skepticism into enlightened curiosity. Recent studies have yielded compelling results: when tadpoles are nurtured within an advanced shielding apparatus known as a “hypomagnetic chamber”, and which attenuates the Earth’s tiny magnetic field by almost six orders of magnitude, they are observed to present a statistically significant rate of developmental aberrations. This state-of-the-art hypomagnetic environment thus provides a unique setting to isolate and scrutinize the influence of Earth’s tiny magnetic field on biological growth processes. The anomalies observed in these tadpoles may well be symptomatic of the intricate, and perhaps indispensable, role that weak magnetic forces play in biology. We've equipped our lab with the same type of chamber, and are ready to revisit these astonishing studies. Our approach is rooted in #OpenScience: as we uncover new insights, we'll share them with you in real-time. We’re rolling out 3 interactive website resources: * Lab Book: our lab’s full internal online notes, with daily new observations! * Data Pond: an interactive live data platform! * Taddit: a Reddit-style forum to ask questions, share resources, and discuss with us and each other! * Let’s now dive into the phases of #TheTadpoleExperiment: 🐸 🔬 In Phase 1 (May), we monitor tadpole growth under a magnetic field of 9 nT (nanotesla)—the most extreme condition our chamber can handle. Why? To push the boundaries of what we know about biological responses in very weak magnetic environments. 🌍 Phase 2 (June) shifts to a magnetic field of 50 uT (microtesla), mirroring Earth’s own magnetic field. Observing tadpoles in this setting helps validate that the results come from the chamber’s magnetic field conditions only, ensuring a control condition for our data. It’s all about building a solid foundation for science. 🚀 🌃 Finally, Phase 3 (July) takes us to Mars—figuratively! We'll simulate Mars' 1 uT magnetic field to study tadpole growth. Understanding life in weaker magnetic fields is crucial for future space exploration. What will we learn about potential life beyond Earth? * And remember that you can do #OpenScience with us too!

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