Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru

Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru

Renewable Energy Power Generation

About us

Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru’s mission is to unlock the renewable energy potential of Wales, and deliver benefits to our society, our environment and our economy, for everyone living and working in Wales today and for future generations. We are wholly owned by the Welsh Government, meaning all the economic, environmental and social benefits will be optimised to deliver for the people of Wales, and for our environment. Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru's aim is to deliver a portfolio of smart energy solutions, with our focus first on the public estate. The woodland estate alone covers some 6% of Wales. Much like Wales, our core team is small but perfectly formed. We count on a great breadth and depth of wind industry experience, gained in Wales, the UK and internationally. Our business functions are covered by a growing team, with experience of the commercial, public and third sectors. We will work with consultants, particularly valuing local expertise, supporting the growth of the renewable energy development, construction and operations supply chain in Wales. In Wales, we have a history of social collaboration and engagement, which Trydan appreciates and will continue. We're interested in citizens views on how we all become more involved in the energy transition. We're listening, as we visibly embed benefits into local communities, invest more in Welsh and UK supply chains, and help residents and businesses worried about energy bills.

Renewable Energy Power Generation
Company size
11-50 employees
Public Company
renewable energy, onshore wind, battery storage, and power to prosper

Employees at Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru


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    Mae dros 2300 o Ddinasyddion Ynni Cymru wedi ymateb i'n harolwg. Mae'n dod i ben ddydd Llun nesaf 23/09 am 9yb.  Mae amser yn brin i ddweud dy ddweud, felly amdani nawrI Mi ddoi o hyd i'r holiadur ar dudalen Gymunedol wefan Trydan. Ar ôl ddydd Llun, y camau nesaf yw: Dadansoddiad - mae pobl yng Nghymru wedi cyfrannu'n frwd i greu data cyfoethog, byddwn yn adolygu ac yn mapio - diolch i bawb! Adrodd yn ôl. Ac Ymgysylltu pellach i ymchwilio'n ddyfnach sut i dyfu rôl pobl yng Nghymru, i fod yn fwy na chwsmeriaid ynni, gan dod yn ddinasyddion ynni, hanfodol i drawsnewid ynni teg a chyflym! #ynnigwyntarytir #cymuned #dinasyddion #Cymru

    Mae'r arolwg yn cau - galwn ar Ynni - ddinasyddion

    Mae'r arolwg yn cau - galwn ar Ynni - ddinasyddion

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    Over 2300 Welsh Energy Citizens have responded to our outreach and survey. It's closing on Monday (23/09 at 9am). There is still time to participate, so visit now, via the Community page on Trydan's website. Next steps will involve: Analyses - people in Wales have contributed with enthusiasm to deliver a rich data set, we'll be reviewing and mapping - thank you all! Reporting back. And further consideration and Engagement to delve more deeply into what it could mean to grow the role of people in Wales, from energy consumers, to becoming energy citizens, essential to a fair and fast energy transition! #community #onshorewind #energycitizens #Cymru #Wales

    Survey closing - calling all Energy Citizens

    Survey closing - calling all Energy Citizens

  • Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru reposted this

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    Cawsom y pleser a'r anrhydedd heddiw i gwrdd â dau Brif Weinidog, i drafod cynlluniau Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru ar gyfer prosiectau gwynt ar ystâd goetir Llywodraeth Cymru, mewn safle sy'n enghreifftio rhai o agweddau positif iawn mae'r diwydiant ynni adnewyddadwy yn cynnig i Gymru ac i gymunedau lleol. Mae'n gyfnod cyffroes a phethau'n symid yn gyflym, a rhaid gwneud y gorau o'r cyfle i Gymru gyfan manteisio ar y cyfleoedd i dyfu ynni adnewyddadwy yma, a chadw'r budd a'r elw yng Nghymru, cynnig swyddi da i bobl leol, ar y prosiectau yn ogystal â' gyda chyflenwyr. Fel y mae hi heddiw, mae'r broses o ddatblygu a ddelifro prosiectau o'r fath yn ymestyn dros blynyddoedd. Felly roedd lawer o son am ffyrdd i ddod dros anhawsteray er mwyn sicrhau yr hyn mae pobl eisiau, ac angen - ynni fforddadwy, glan, diogelwch, swyddi da, hir-dymor, ffyniant economaidd.  We had the absolute pleasure and honour today to meet two heads of state at the Brechfa windfarm in Carmarthenshire. We met on the site of RWE's Brechfa Wind Farm, which exemplifies many very positive aspects which renewable energy projects bring to the UK, Wales, and to local communities. It's an exciting time with the policy and political landscape shifting to enable the deployment of renewables. Trydan is well placed to optimise the opportunities to deliver benefits to Wales, by developing on publicly owned land, maintain more of the profits and benefits in Wales, and helping to deliver great jobs both within projects and the supply chain. As it stands the process still takes many years, so there was much talk of finding solutions to deliver what people want - more affordable, clean energy, energy security, quality jobs, economic prosperity.

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    Cawsom y pleser a'r anrhydedd heddiw i gwrdd â dau Brif Weinidog, i drafod cynlluniau Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru ar gyfer prosiectau gwynt ar ystâd goetir Llywodraeth Cymru, mewn safle sy'n enghreifftio rhai o agweddau positif iawn mae'r diwydiant ynni adnewyddadwy yn cynnig i Gymru ac i gymunedau lleol. Mae'n gyfnod cyffroes a phethau'n symid yn gyflym, a rhaid gwneud y gorau o'r cyfle i Gymru gyfan manteisio ar y cyfleoedd i dyfu ynni adnewyddadwy yma, a chadw'r budd a'r elw yng Nghymru, cynnig swyddi da i bobl leol, ar y prosiectau yn ogystal â' gyda chyflenwyr. Fel y mae hi heddiw, mae'r broses o ddatblygu a ddelifro prosiectau o'r fath yn ymestyn dros blynyddoedd. Felly roedd lawer o son am ffyrdd i ddod dros anhawsteray er mwyn sicrhau yr hyn mae pobl eisiau, ac angen - ynni fforddadwy, glan, diogelwch, swyddi da, hir-dymor, ffyniant economaidd.  We had the absolute pleasure and honour today to meet two heads of state at the Brechfa windfarm in Carmarthenshire. We met on the site of RWE's Brechfa Wind Farm, which exemplifies many very positive aspects which renewable energy projects bring to the UK, Wales, and to local communities. It's an exciting time with the policy and political landscape shifting to enable the deployment of renewables. Trydan is well placed to optimise the opportunities to deliver benefits to Wales, by developing on publicly owned land, maintain more of the profits and benefits in Wales, and helping to deliver great jobs both within projects and the supply chain. As it stands the process still takes many years, so there was much talk of finding solutions to deliver what people want - more affordable, clean energy, energy security, quality jobs, economic prosperity.

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    Sir Kier Starmer UK Prime Minister and Prif Weinidog Eluned Morgan met representatives of Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru today, at the Brechfa Wind Farm, Carmarthenshire. We were generously hosted by RWE’s senior management and operations team, which includes several apprentices, and colleagues who have applied the skills gained in traditional heavy industries to fantastic effect in the renewables sector. On Trydan, the Prif Weinidog had this to say: "Our publicly-owned renewable energy developer, Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru, is a long-term sustainable investment that puts net zero and the communities of Wales at the heart of the energy transition." "Harvesting our wind and using it to produce power offers us, and the people of Wales, the ability to own the returns on what will be a significant investment." Prime Minister Keir Starmer said:    “the Welsh Government has made important strides that we can now build on, and I am determined that Wales is at the very heart of our mission to make Britain an energy superpower, with renewables powering homes right across the country.” “Great British Energy will put the whole of the United Kingdom on the right path to deliver the independence we need, while helping to deliver lower bills for households and businesses and creating the next generation of skilled jobs.” Excellent starter conversations considered the potential synergies and opportunities resulting from Great British Energy and Trydan. Eluned Morgan Keir Starmer Diolch am y croeso Eleri Davies and RWE #onshorewind #energysecurity #jobs

    Prime Minister and Welsh First Minister: Together we will “supercharge” mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower

    Prime Minister and Welsh First Minister: Together we will “supercharge” mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower

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    Dyma beth yw #Eisteddfod: cyfnewid syniadau. Diolch i'r Comisiynydd am ei amser gyda thîm Trydan yn crybwyll sut fedr Cymru Ffynnu drwy ynni adnewyddadwy, ble bydd pobl a natur gweithio gyda'n gilydd dros dyfodol glan a disglair. Sut medrwn ni, Trydan gweithio gyda phobl i ymateb i anghenion cenhedlaethau'r dyfodol....? Dyma rai o'r cwestiynnau rydym yn cymryd o ddifri. Os hoffech chi ymgysylltu i archwilio am atebion, cysylltwch â ni. #Eisteddfod is...... exchanging ideas. It's social poetry. Thanks to the Future Generations Commissioner and his team for talking to us. What is Trydan's role in delivering for future generations? It's a question we're taking seriously. If you want to help us explore solutions we can help deliver, get in touch. Derek Walker Helen Nelson Sandy Clubb Richard Evans Llyr Roberts Dr. Catrin Ellis Jones

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    Llongyfarchiadau Eluned Morgan Prif Weinidog Cymry. Mi fydd hi'n yn sicr am ddod a rhywbeth newydd, ffres i'r rôl. Mae hi'n cellwair am ychwanegu lliw. Gydag agenda datgarboneiddio a chynaladwyedd, a'r cyfleoedd mae'r meysydd yma yn cynnig i ni yng Nghymru, yn gymdeithasol, economaidd ac amgylcheddol, gyda'n cyfoeth naturiol o fri a'n ddyfeisgarwch, y lliw pwysicaf i Gymru nawr, yw "Gwyrdd". Congratulations to Wales' first female First Minister, Eluned Morgan. In her acceptance speech she jokes about bringing a little colour to the Siambr. No doubt she will bring a fresh approach. With our national impetus towards sustainability and de-carbonising, and the opportunities - social, economic and environmental that these agendas bring when combined with our wealth of nature and ingenuity - an important colour in her palette will be "Green".

    'It is the honour of my life': Eluned Morgan becomes First Minister of Wales | ITV News

    'It is the honour of my life': Eluned Morgan becomes First Minister of Wales | ITV News

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    Eisteddfod - cyfle i weld, clywed a dathlu gyda'n gilydd, a chymaint mwy.... creu syniadau (a stŵr o fath hwylus yn unig 😍), datrys problemau, gwneud ffrindiau, hel clecs gyda hen ffrindiau....  Mae criw bach o Drydan yn edrych 'mlaen i fod ar y Maes tua diwedd yr wythnos - Dydd Iau a Dydd Gwener, Maes D, Pabell Llywodraeth Cymru. Rydan ni'n awyddus i nabod pawb sydd â syniadau, yn enwedig yn ymwneud a sut gallai Trydan helpu creu cyfleoedd i Gymru ddatblygu'r ynni adnewyddadwy rydym angen, er ein lles ni'r Cymry, a'n natur. Dewch i ddweud helo! The Eisteddfod is such a big cultural and social opportunity, to see, hear, celebrate.... be inspired to make ideas, make fun, make friends, catch up with old friends. A small Trydan contingent will be there this Thursday and Friday, Maes D, in the Welsh Government Tent. We'd love to meet you, especially if you're interested in how Wales can make more of the renewable energy we need, and do it in ways that benefits us all, and our nature in Wales, better. Please come say helo! #eisteddfod #cymuned #ynniadnewyddadwy #community #citizens #renewableenergy

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    Interesting analyses, reflecting the devolved powers of the Senedd, Scottish Government, Gov of Northern Ireland. Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru were officially launched in mid July, but registered with companies house a few months earlier. We look forward to working with GBE, and Juergen Maier CBE FRS FREng with whom we share priorities: delivering more of the benefits of clean, secure, home-grown energy to Welsh and British people. Not surprisingly, we do have overlapping functions, as we're aligned in many ways on the "why" and "how" to do that.

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    We've had a look at this week's King's Speech and set out some areas where we can see opportunities for comparative policy learning, and spotted that many of the policies are for England-only and/or take inspiration from equivalent interventions in the other nations. From announcements about housing, education and even Great British Energy some announced initiatives are already well underway in the other nations. Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru Let us know if you see more!

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    Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru, is an arms-length, Welsh state-owned renewable energy company launched less than two weeks ago. We're reaching out, inviting people across Wales to tell us (quickly or in more detail if it suits you) your experience of living / working near onshore wind energy projects in Wales. We invite you to start thinking about what to expect from state owned renewable energy developments, located on publicly owned land, like the Woodland Estate. We're pleased over 1200 people in Wales have responded so far - diolch o galon, thank you very much! We're noting though, that younger people are preferring not to provide demographic information. This is a little appeal for you to do that, please (if you're lucky enough to still be in that demographic bracket! 😎 ) Just so we know with a little more certainty we're hearing your views too. Everyone, yet to participate, go ahead! The survey is open for several weeks. The views of the whole of Wales are important to us. Because you're curious, we’re sure you’ll enjoy seeing how your responses compare to the feedback gathered so far! More exchange and conversation coming.... #curious #onshorewind #stateowned #energycompany #community #Cymru #Wales

    Power to prosper

    Power to prosper

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