Did you know speeding can really damage your CSA score?
The CSA has 7 different categories that help the government decide whether you are a safe carrier or not. One of those categories is "Unsafe Driving", which is home to many violations including speeding.
The more speeding violations you commit, the higher your score will go in the Unsafe Driving category, and eventually, you will cross the threshold. Once the threshold is crossed, you are basically throwing up a flag to the FMCSA and saying 'hey, pay attention to us'. That's pretty much the opposite of what you want to do.
Speeding violations are also graded differently in terms of severity depending on how fast you are going. The different levels are basically 6-10 mph, 11-14 mph, and 15+ mph over the speed limit. If you get caught going 15 mph over the speed limit, that's an automatic 10 (the highest possible score) on the severity level...that sucks!
So make sure you watch your speed. A couple extra miles per hour is not worth the risk that comes with getting caught.