Eleni Kasparis had the absolute pleasure to join these other fantastic women at The Ned & Ned's Club for International Women’s Day! Check it out below.. ⬇️
Yesterday I had the honour of being a panel guest for International Women’s Day at The Ned & Ned's Club representing Becoming. I joined a powerhouse line up of three other fantastic females, Sophie Carrick, Akiko Takashima and Georgia Frost and the panel was hosted by the wonderful Jack Jefferson - a brilliant host and women advocate! All women bought some inspiring stories to the table, and what I loved about this panel was that it was filled with positivity and opened up impactful discussions to highlight the key to women’s success throughout our careers - so refreshing! I had the opportunity to talk about how being a mum of two has accelerated my career, when we reframe our mindset to ‘what strengths have we gained when becoming a mum’ rather than ‘what have we lost or craving the identity’ we had before. Robyn Filep and I are proud to support the HR teams at The Ned with their Women in Leadership programmes and I had the opportunity to talk about the ‘why’. Women face unique challlenges in the workplace, hormonal changes, childbirth (hopefully not literally at work) and menopause to name a few. We know that adopting the principles of positive psychology, by focussing on strengths rather than trying to fix weaknesses, we create a confident and effective workplace culture. We’re not excluding men, as well as supporting women on this journey, we’re creating internal confidence to bring these worries to the table and give men the opportunity to understand and know how to support. Allyship is a key topic for IWD and confidence to us will always be a necessity not a luxury! Women deserve to navigate their lives with confidence, give them that! To explore how we can enhance Women in Leadership in your business.. pop us a message we’d love to chat it over together!