Wild Things makes gear for people who are climbers, bikers, campers, hikers, soldiers, and, well, just about anyone living, playing or working in the outdoors. We design and build gear to the highest standards of performance, function, and durability with a style that is entirely your own. We build with integrity and willingly trade convention for innovation.
Founded in 1981 by two accomplished alpinists, John Bouchard and Marie Meunier, in the shadow of Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, Wild Things began building custom gear for the east coast alpine community. Custom gear is in our DNA. Three decades of alpine experiences—elation, misery, epics and near misses go into the design of every piece of gear we make. We are a leading designer and supplier of outdoor clothing systems for the U.S. Military, and our products are currently in the field with every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Apparel & Fashion
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Privately Held
technical outerwear design and development, cold weather clothing systems, mass customized outerwear, and military clothing systems