From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Adapt personalization by customer levels and target markets

Adapt personalization by customer levels and target markets

From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

Adapt personalization by customer levels and target markets

- Personalizing the customer experience is about so much more than attracting and retaining the right customers. When you understand the sway of personalization, when you do it effectively, personalizing the customer journey, forges long lasting relationships that build consistent value for both you and your customers. It's a win-win, and everything we have covered in this course up to this point gives you the structure you need to begin the process of personalization. You are on your way, and in this lesson we are going to dive in even deeper to how far personalization can take you in creating a powerful bond with your customers. By understanding your customers at a deeper level, you can create an even stronger personalized experience for you both. When it comes to adapting the experience and tailoring for your customers, there are two levels you need to consider the depth of your current customer relationship and the alignment with your target market. Let's explore why these two…
