From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Align support functions to enhance personalized experiences

Align support functions to enhance personalized experiences

From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

Align support functions to enhance personalized experiences

- Creating and delivering on a personalized customer experience would be so easy if you, the salesperson, were the only individual you had to rely on to make that happen. But fortunately, or unfortunately, you are not the only person your customers interact with, right? I mean, think about it, how often do customers find you because of social media? Well, that's marketing. Your customers look for information on the website or find a webinar from a landing page. Well, that's IT. And then they call for help or they have a question with a product, and they talk with team members in your call center. And the list goes on from billing to shipping to product returns or replacements. So for customers to feel that the experience they are having with you and your company is unique to them, every single interaction they experience with your company needs to meet their expectations or exceed it. That means you need to align all the areas that support the customer experience with your vision for…
