From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience
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Conduct reviews and updates to the personalized experience
From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience
Conduct reviews and updates to the personalized experience
- We have talked so much in this course about strategies and technology and the impact both have on the personalization of the customer journey, and as great and important as both of those are, they pale in comparison to good old fashioned talking, listening, and engaging with your customers. One of the most important things to understand about personalizing the customer journey is that it is a never ending project. Customers' needs, desires, and interests change all the time. And to be effective, you need to stay updated, engaged, and on top of the shifting personalization requirements of your customers. For years, I have worked with a client that is so relationship focused, and even though he's located three states away from my home office, he always insisted we meet in person four times a year. He loved to say he needs to meet eyeball to eyeball to feel like he is getting good service. Never one to disappoint, I was happy to jump on a plane to meet him at his office or at his club…
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