From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Creating your customer journey map

Creating your customer journey map

- One of my favorite steps in understanding and customizing the buyer journey is creating your customer journey map. I love it because this map tells you the story of your customers and gives you an opportunity to learn even more about who your customers are, how they buy, what they like, and, more importantly, what they don't. I call it a story because once complete, your map reveals a picture, very detailed about every stage your customer engages with you. That picture opens your eyes to new opportunities to further enhance and customize the journey. You learn not only where and how the customer engages with your product, but how they feel when they do. Every point your customer finds it easy and delightful to engage with you, every point where they'll feel frustrated or confused, and every point that pulls them deeper into a relationship or makes them opt out of purchasing your product or discontinuing the relationship. Now you can understand why a customer journey map and this…
