From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Engage, listen, and gather feedback from customers

Engage, listen, and gather feedback from customers

From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

Engage, listen, and gather feedback from customers

- If you want to know what your customers are thinking, there is no better way to gather accurate, specific, and valuable information than to just ask them. Ask them, and then really listen to them. Sounds simple, right? But not so fast. You have to ensure the feedback you are getting is useful, accurate, and the right feedback for the challenges you are trying to solve. There is a little more to it than you think, and to get accurate feedback, you need to understand what feedback is, how to gather it, and then how to effectively use the feedback you have been given. So what is customer feedback? Customer feedback is any information direct or indirect your customers give you or showed you the feedback customers provide can be feedback. You want to hear neutral feedback or the dreaded feedback you think you would rather avoid. Now here's the really interesting thing about feedback. As valuable as positive feedback is, it is the negative feedback that yields you the most opportunity to…
