From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Exploring the personalization framework

Exploring the personalization framework

- Now that you have a clear idea of who your ideal customer is, you have what you need to dive deeper into their buying journey, what their challenges are, what their role is in decision making, and what they specifically need answered or addressed to feel comfortable making a purchase. We call this your personalization framework, and the better and more deeply you can answer those questions, the earlier you can engage with and influence your ideal customer, and the earlier you engage, the sooner you can position yourself as a resource, you greatly increase the likelihood you will win the deal. The statistics on today's buyer are fascinating, and according to the latest research, the buying process has really changed. Gartner, a leading research firm, states that more than 70% of purchases that companies label as critical to success happened without a sales professional involved at all, or until their later stages of the buying process. If you are not making an impact, if you are not…
