From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Gain clarity on your ideal customer

Gain clarity on your ideal customer

- Before you can personalize your customer's buying journey, you need to know and understand exactly who that customer is and exactly what it is they're looking for. I think in the world of sales, this is one of the most overlooked and undervalued steps in the sales process, gaining clarity on your customer. Think about it. Today's marketplace is, if nothing else, crowded. The list of people and businesses that offer the same products and services that you do is endless. And you need innovative and specific ways to differentiate yourself from your competitors. And the best way to identify those specific and innovative ways lies in the more you know about your ideal customer profile. So, where do you start? How do you know who your ideal customer is? Well, probably the best way to start is by examining your current customer base. Take a look and choose who you think are your top customers. Those customers that you love working with, they love working with you. They readily buy your…
