From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Proactive listening for ensuring relevancy

Proactive listening for ensuring relevancy

- After listening to those powerful success stories of how impactful a personalized experience can be for both your customers and you, you're probably ready to jump in and get started. And I get it. This stuff is exciting, but hold tight. We have just a few more lessons packed with information that will make creating your personalized customer journey easier and far more effective. In this lesson, we are going to focus on the art of proactive listening, and proactive listening truly is an art. It is a skill that can only be learned through study, observation, practice, and experience, but it is an investment that is well worth the effort. So let's start there. What exactly is proactive listening? Proactive listening is so much more than what we think of when we think of listening. Listening is done through words, eye contact, and nodding your head so your customers know you're paying attention. Proactive listening is about going deeper, being attuned to your customer's feelings…
