From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Stories of successful personalized buying experiences

Stories of successful personalized buying experiences

From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

Stories of successful personalized buying experiences

- I think one of the best ways to learn anything, but especially to grasp the power and impact of what you are learning in this course is through story. So we want to share some success stories that will not only help you more deeply understand how to personalize the experience, but make it more memorable for you. When I was thinking about gathering stories, I wanted to ensure that you were exposed to a variety of businesses and a range of customers because personalization is important in every industry, every market, and every customer decision. So let's start with healthcare. A small device, medical equipment company was looking to make a name for themselves in an overly crowded marketplace. To gain market share, they needed a way to capture the patients', doctors', and payers' attention in order to stand out from their competition. The executive leadership team decided that personalizing the patient experience was their best option. Mostly focused on inbound sales, they created a…
