From the course: Personalizing Your Customer’s Buying Experience

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Tracking the customer touch points

Tracking the customer touch points

- Have you ever had something like this happen? Last week, I was shopping online, trying to find a few products I needed to update my video equipment. I had spent hours researching and endlessly watching videos and looking through websites. Truly, it was exhausting. Then, I found a website quite by accident from an ad on social media. The site was great, easy to read, so informative, and the buying path took me directly to the products I was sure were right for me. I was excited and ready to buy. But after entering everything into the shopping cart, I could not get the payment link to work. After a few tries, I decided to call the customer service line, only to find that while their website had been so helpful, their customer service team was not. Frustrated, I gave up. If you have ever had this happen, then you know firsthand, or at least now understand the power of customer touchpoints. You also know from your own interactions how important it is to know each and every touchpoint…
