The annual meeting’s full schedule is now available! Start saving the talks, sessions, and events you’d like to attend! #AMCA #AMCA2025 #SanJuan #PuertoRico #mosquitoes
American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA)’s Post
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ILETA Conference is not just work - there is also play. Are you joining us? ILETA Conference is registering as is the mystery tour. At ILETA we WELCOME YOU #ileta #iletaconference #legalenglish #legalenglishconference #europeanlegalenglishteachers #legaltranslators #legalinterpreters #CPD #professionaldevelopment #ESL #ESP #TESOL
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How to prove circularity of your packaging? Very much needed standards to regulate all claims on circularity, wheatear it is connected with your packaging or operations! We all need proved and correct information on products that we use every day so we can choose on sustainability and ISO Standards on Circularity will help achieve this. This is the reason why Alijansa za cirkularna pakovanja and Ambipak magazin are organizing seminar to introduce Serbian Industry in new requirements in front of us.
Pre nego što odemo na zaslužene odmore, još jedan seminar iz naše "kuhinje" Ovog puta u saradnji i partnerstvu sa Alijansa za cirkularna pakovanja i naše dve ekspertkinje u delu standardizacije i cirkularne ekonomije. Pogledajte na linku o čemu se tačno radi>>
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First things first: pleasure on my side, Daria Azariev North, and thank you for the interesting interview for Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to dive into the current challenges #AI and #disinformation pose to democratic processes and electoral integrity across member states of EU. Here are some bites from the interview: 🗳 Despite elections to the European Parliament being over, the democratic processes continue to be under threat. "You technically had 27 individual country-level elections and that makes the process all the more vulnerable," says Daria in the interview. 🎯 Different countries, different targets. In Germany 🇩🇪 the disinformers focused on energy and climate issues, along with the war in Ukraine; in Poland 🇵🇱 they "focused on Ukrainian refugees and social polarization stemming from historical tensions and claims of lowered living standards". In Spain 🇪🇸 it were Ukraine-related issues again. 🇨🇳 It's not only Kremlin, you know. China is also among the biggest disinformers – globally. Its strategy is different though. "For China, it's more about deploying the regime’s broader global strategy for economic hegemony and expansive political and economic goals. We especially see this in developing countries that may often have dependence on economic support from China, like in Africa, and throughout the 'global South' including Asia and Latin America, but also across the EU," emphasizes Daria. The whole interview – only in Czech though – can be found under the link below:
Obavy z dezinformací a vysoké míry zahraničního vměšování do eurovoleb se nakonec v mnoha ohledech potvrdily, i když neměly takový dopad, jak se očekávalo, říká pro Daria Azariev North z IFES Regional Europe Office (REO). Celý rozhovor čtěte na webu: 🔗
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Our MONDRAGON Corporation 2024 Congress, yesterday approved the next 2025-2028 social and business policy to be applied by our Group. Promising 4 years for MONDRAGON Ventures as Diversification in new businesses will be one of the key elements to reach our main objetives #MondragonCongress #cooperatives #businesswithfuture #Humanityatwork
MONDRAGONek bere urteroko Kongresua egin du Bilbon. MONDRAGONeko Kontseilu Orokorraren erreleboa eszenifikatu da. Iñigo Ucinek, zortzi urtez lehendakari izan ondoren, erretiroa hartuko du, eta Pello Rodriguez Zabaletari utziko dio postua. Rodriguezek abuztuaren 1etik aurrera hasiko du bere agintaldia.
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What an honour to be part of this year's Bét50 issue, featuring the 50 most influential and successful Hungarian companies. It took decades of hard work, grit, will and know-how and it is wonderful to see all our determination come to fruition. Read the full article here:
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We are proud to be official sponsor at the 3rd Binational Convention hosted by American Society of Mexico. Our Mexico Managing Director, Dunia Salomon Pintado, will be part of the panel "Mexico: commitments, actions and opportunities" where the USMCA, Nearshoring and energy transition were discussed. Find out how we can help you with our business incorporation and global entity management services to efficiently expand your operations. Get in touch if you're attending the event or connect with our local experts to learn more: Monica Vera, Dunia Salomon Pintado, and Joel Cardenas #BusinessIncorporation #GlobalEntityManagement #Nearshoring
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We are proud to be official sponsor at the 3rd Binational Convention hosted by American Society of Mexico. Our Mexico Managing Director, Dunia Salomon Pintado, will be part of the panel "Mexico: commitments, actions and opportunities" where the USMCA, Nearshoring and energy transition were discussed. Find out how we can help you with our business incorporation and global entity management services to efficiently expand your operations. Get in touch if you're attending the event or connect with our local experts to learn more: Monica Vera, Dunia Salomon Pintado, and Joel Cardenas #BusinessIncorporation #GlobalEntityManagement #Nearshoring
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Day 2 of HTAi 2024 The HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting in Seville, Spain is in full swing, and today's highlight is the 2nd plenary session titled "Global Collaboration for a Global Challenge: Do Meta-Networks Help?" This session tackles the critical role of international collaboration in addressing global health challenges through HTA (Health Technology Assessment). The focus will be on the concept of meta-networks and their potential to: - Facilitate knowledge sharing: Can meta-networks bridge the gap between HTA institutions worldwide? - Standardize methodologies: Will meta-networks help harmonize HTA approaches across different countries? - Drive innovation: How can meta-networks foster collaborative research and development in HTA? This session promises a thought-provoking discussion on the future of HTA in a globalized world. Are you attending HTAi 2024? Share your thoughts in the comments! #HTAi2024Seville #HTA #GlobalHealth #Collaboration
It's Day Two of the HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting main conference! We have even more incredible discussions and presentations planned for today. Another highlight: The Braindates Networking Lounge is up and running 09:00 - 18:30 CEST! Learn about this feature in the event program ➡ #HTAi2024Seville #HTA
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Itt az év vége, a céges rendezvények, ünnepi összejövetelek, évzáró bulik időszaka. Hívjatok bennünket, ha még ünnepélyesebbé, még felejthetetlenebbé szeretnétek tenni a céges ünneplést.
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