To all the wellbeing/recreation/activity leads that bring alive the hard work our team put into our ever changing, always evolving content… in #nappw24 THANK YOU!! Incredibly aware what a difficult job #activity professionals do and how creative they have to be to think outside the box and build a programme that is person-centred but also caters for such broad interests and different life stories. Also incredibly aware of what it takes to do the job well and how amazing it is to come across a great recreation manager in a care home or in the #NHS and how those individuals shine through (and are normally telling us what else we can do to improve our interactive light activities and training.) These are the partners that have come on a journey with us and have been part of our co-design team, creating the #happinessprogramme that is the best it can be for the people in receipt of their care. Thank you all- you’re the best! #carehomes #nhs #longtermcare #dementiacare #learningdisabilities #activities #activitiesforseniors #recreationaltherapy
As #NAPPW24 comes to an end, we want to send a huge THANK YOU to all of the #ActivityProfessionals we work with. Without them and their endless dedication to improving lives, the #HappinessProgramme wouldn't be what it is💙