I help businesses release cash tied up in unpaid invoices to help them grow and achieve their goals. Specialist in working capital solutions. Passionate about physical and mental wellbeing. Proud father.
Is there a better sign of an enjoyable lunch than a gravy stain down your shirt?! In all seriousness, I got to enjoy a very enjoyable and delicious lunch yesterday as I joined one of my NatWest Commercial Relationship Manager colleagues to meet with one of his longstanding customers who wanted to discuss funding options for growing his business. Two hours and two courses later (plus the aforementioned gravy stain), we left having agreed to provide the customer with indicative terms for a total funding package of £1.5m, split across a £500k invoice discounting facility, and a £1m loan through the recently launched Growth Guarantee Scheme. The funding these two products will provide will really help turbocharge the growth of the business and enable them to go out and pitch for new contracts, safe in the knowledge they'll have the funding in place to fulfill them. If cash is a barrier to growth in your business, or if cash flow keeps you awake at night, there is another way! #supportbusinesses #invoicediscounting #growthguaranteescheme
Occupational hazard of wearing a white shirt unfortunately!
Partner, Banking & Finance team, Blake Morgan
2moGreat to see the clearing banks using the GGS 👏 and sounds like the shirt stain was worth it!