Proud to finally unveil our work with Libre Capital for #AptosAscend. 💥 Why this is HUGE: As the latest to join Aptos Ascend, Libre offers top-tier funds like Brevan Howard and BlackRock to Aptos users for the first time. Investors can access and interact with alternative assets and previously inaccessible asset classes. Aptos is truly the home for high-performance, institution-grade DeFi. Read all about it:
BREAKING NEWS from the Aptos Experience: Libre launches Brevan Howard, BlackRock, Hamilton Lane funds on Aptos (Full report: Libre Capital, a tokenization startup from Brevan Howard's WebN Group and Nomura's Laser Digital joins #AptosAscend (Aptos Labs). Libre is launching blockchain-based Funds on Aptos, including Hamilton Lane's SCOPE fund, Brevan Howard's Master Fund, and BlackRock's ICS Money Market Fund.