[CIVICA Europeanship Multi-Campus Course on “Future of Europe”] 🎓🇪🇺
While pursuing my master degree in London, I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more about policy making process and policy challenges in Europe as well; hence, I applied and got selected for the CIVICA Europeanship Multi-Campus Course titled “Future of Europe”. The Course was very comprehensive and insightful, making me felt more equipped to engage with policy discussion in the European Union (EU). More importantly, not only that my team’s policy paper passed with distinction (really appreciate Annabel, Paul, Veronika, and Feng effort despite busy academic schedule 👏), our paper also won the Boroli Award with the prize of 4,200 Euro (big kudos to us 🤩).
The Course was designed and taught jointly by a team of professors from various CIVICA universities to critically examines European policy challenges. Furthermore, students came from 9 different universities in the region: Bocconi University (🇮🇹), Central European University (🇦🇹), Hertie School (🇩🇪), IE University (🇪🇸), Sciences Po (🇫🇷), SGH Warsaw School of Economics (🇵🇱), SNSPA (🇷🇴), Stockholm School of Economics (🇸🇪) and The London School of Economics and Political Science (🇬🇧). The Course covered 4 key modules, namely: 1) Globalization and Economic Shocks, 2) Democracy, Governance, and Populism in the EU, 3) Environment, Sustainability, and the EU Green Deal, and 4) Digitalization and Innovation in the New Europe. 📚
To complete the Course, from October to December 2023, we formed a team to analyze one EU-relevant policy problem and suggest possible policy solutions through writing a policy paper, a policy brief, and a methodological appendix. 📝 My team chose the topic of digitalization, answering the question “what measures and policies should the EU put in place in order to ensure transparency, accountability, and privacy protection in AI system?” with our paper titled “Shielding EU Security: Mitigating AI Risks for Strategic Protection”. 🛡️💪
#CIVICA #FutureofEurope #Digitalization #BoroliAward
Thanks for sharing! 😊