New workplace Delegates rights clause in Modern Awards (Effective 1 July 2024)
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has updated all Modern Awards to include a workplace delegates rights clause, effective from 1 July 2024, which is part of the Closing Loopholes Act amendments.
What’s Included:
· Representation: Delegates can represent employees, who want to be represented by the Delegate, in consultation, disputes, disciplinary processes, enterprise bargaining and other situations where representation is permitted.
· Communication: Delegates can communicate during work hours including breaks and outside of working hours, and must be given, where possible, access to facilities such as meeting rooms (which provide privacy), noticeboards, and office equipment.
· Training Leave: Up to 5 days of paid leave initially, with 1 day annually for training, this is limited to 1 delegate for each 50 employees.
Employer Actions:
1. Check if your employees are covered by one or more Modern Awards.
2. Identify if you have any workplace delegates.
3. Ensure compliance with the new clause.
Read more here:
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