The VRC Board of Directors was significantly “lucky escape” when their deal with a Chinese Communist Party-owned “Greenland” deal on its surplus land not being needed for horse racing fell over; they lacked the experience of creating in Australia a “City within a City” destination and instead offered a tacky plan that would have destroyed the vital heritage of Flemington Race Track. Let us all hope the upcoming VRC Spring Carnival is a massive success. It deserves to be coming through a challenging period with the pandemic. To save the VRC, the new CEO must devise a plan that includes more than Pony Clubs and Dance parties. It is time to pull rabbits out of the hat. VRC's track record includes entering a deal on surplus land not needed for its race track operations with the Chinese Communist Party-owned Greenland. One of its major urban projects in China, Greenland, has now reverted to farmland and is holding cattle. Meanwhile, in Australia, with Greenland incompetence --“People who bought into the Lachlan’s Line apartment complex in Sydney’s North were promised a “prestigious new community”. Now they have discovered the basement floors in all four blocks are at risk of collapse.”
The Chinese Communist Party-owned Greenland, one of its major urban projects in China, has now reverted to farmland and is holding cattle.
Executive Chairman | Barrie Harrop, Sustainable Outcomes, Placemaker, with social responsibility.
3mo‘The Chinese property giant Greenland Group broke ground on the State Guest Mansions project in a suburb of Shenyang back in 2010, per the AFP. The exclusive development in China's northeastern Liaoning province was planned to have 260 European-style villas to house the city's ultrarich.”