My friends often come to me looking for advice on the topic of nutrition.
Typically, this is the beginning of their pursuit for fat-loss.
Here’s the fundamental outline I’ve used to help a dozen people reach and sustain their fat-loss goals. Once a step on this list becomes frictionless (habit) we move onto the next.
Going completely down the rabbit hole is not necessary to meet every individuals goals, actually for most, maintaining step 3 is enough to make a change they didn’t even believe to be possible.
1.) Make no changes to diet except cutting out sugary drinks and ultra processed snacks (cookies, candy, chips)
2.) Make whole foods and minimally processed foods 90% of your diet
3.) Continue to eat mostly whole foods but with a strong bias toward protein (bonus points for animal based protein)
4.) Set caloric goals and track energy intake via food scale
5.) Track macronutrients alongside calories, with a specific macronutrient ratio that suits your goals
Very much looking forward to welcoming Brenntag at Intrafood:24, see you soon!