Is the wrong approach to fire safety in schools being taken? The BSA believes that the current edition of BB100 sets the right expectations for the protection of schools and the importance of the continuity of education. In our view, the Department for Education (DfE) is seeking to downgrade the requirements for continuity and sprinklers in schools in England, whereas Scotland and Wales are seeking to increase the number of schools that are sprinkler-protected. There is no evidence to suggest that the prevalence of fires in schools is any different in the differing nations. #ThinkSprinkler #Education #FireProtection
There was a consultation a couple of years ago on BB100, not sure of the outcome but still no progress of sprinklers within schools.
9mo......not enough (any) dead children or staff - YET? BB100 panel must all have shares in post-fire school repairs firms, so until it fails as yet another 'life safety only' code, the losses and community impact of these fires will continue.