Working through the Person-Centred Emergency Planning (PCEP) workbook comprehensively with our OTs needs to be funded in our NDIS budgets, or we are forced to choose between goal-directed capacity building and help with figuring out How To (Hopefully) Not Die. Likewise, any* Assistive Technology recommended to address disability-related risks as part of an individual's PCEP needs to be funded as “Equipment To Help Us Not Die Just Because We’re Disabled.” This is especially, critically important for those at greater risk in rural environments. Honestly, it deserves more time than a functional capacity assessment and report, given the context and the need for truly individualised survival plans – and potentially, the time required to operationalise it with our support teams, including for when they are not around. For people with multiple or complex disabilities, which may interact with their environments in complex ways, sufficient time to plan for every likely scenario could be the difference between life and death. That may be a many-weeks project, not an afternoon tick-box exercise. Sounds like more things that are missing from the draft in/out list to me, especially if we cannot simply apply our functional skills to save ourselves in an emergency. * Yes. The mainstream items too, if that is what the person doing the real PCEP planning with us says is required to keep us safe. National Disability Insurance Agency Bill Shorten Department of Social Services (DSS) Nick Avery Corri McKenzie Donna Purcell GAICD CF Dr George Taleporos (GAICD, PhD) Sam Paior JP, MAICD Naomi Colville National Rural Health Alliance Libby Callaway Muriel Cummins Occupational Therapy Australia Monique Ryan Natasha Layton, PhD ARATAaustralia
It’s important to be prepared, to reduce the risk of danger during severe weather periods. Designed with the disability community, Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) resources help people with disability to create plans to support their needs in the event of an extreme weather emergency. The conversation card and workbook can be used to communicate emergency plans with support networks. Download the P-CEP workbook: View the P-CEP conversation card:
Systemic advocate • Champion of lived-experience evidence in disability policy & research.
2moClare Gibellini expanded thoughts to the extent I can share in public ☝️