Great chatting with Todd Busler, (CEO of Champify) as part of RevSure AI Spotlight Series with GTM Founders and Leaders.
They are doing a great job of tracking advocates and champions as they move jobs.
Tons of insights in the talk below. 👇
My Top take-aways on making GTM work in this environment, especially for early stage startups
✅ Leverage the founder brand and get that unique POV out. Amplify it!
✅ Don’t boil the ocean! Focus on your Target Accounts and ICP
✅ Make your customers the heroes! Share your customers' situational pain points/moments and the creative solution approaches they use with other prospects.
Shout out to the Sendoso team for a great retreat!
Alex CoxAustin Sandmeyer 🔥🎁Kris RudeegraapBraydan YoungCody Farmer#b2bsaas#b2bmarketing#demandgeneration#pipelinegeneration#marketingattribution
Everyone, Todd Buster, I'm the cofounder and CEO of Champi. We help B2B companies implement a go to market, a people first go to market strategy. So what that means is, you know you've built hundreds or thousands or 10s of thousands of advocates, right, people that have bought your product, used your product, implemented your product, had good experience with sales and marketing and there's more job change turnover than ever. And what we help you do is help sales and marketing people basically tap into that, creating a kind of 2nd order benefits. Of all the hard work you've done working with leading companies like Clarion Content, Square and Grafana Labs, driving $1,000,000 of pipeline for them caught it amazing. And it seems you guys have really found a latent need in the market where you're able to identify coverage, your opportunity for customers that they might have not have identified at all for sure. I think it's no secret selling to people that have heard of you, selling to people that have had good experiences with you or or things that you know you talk to any seller, that's what they want to do. But we have a really nifty way to give you tech to make sure you're covering that pie with the same level of strategic thinking and rigor as any other channel, right? So really what we find in the market is most people are relying on tools that really aren't built for this and missing, you know, 8590% of the potential pie. And this is an audience that responds at three to five times higher, that closes at 20 to 60% higher. So relying on usually junior sellers or junior SDR's to do this is is not the right bet. Especially as outbound gets harder and harder, got it. Ohh, that's amazing. So you guys have had some tremendous success, you know, since you launched, I think you launched in August 2022. And So what are you seeing in GTM, like what are the trends you're seeing emerging and like what has worked for you, what's not working for you? Some insights would be great for sure. I mean look we're early stage companies, so I'll talk about what we're seeing. But I think I also talked to you know 15 go to market leaders whether that's CMO or VP sales or CRO or sales development leader every single week. I think what we're seeing across the board is like outbound is hard. Yeah, you know what I mean? Response rates are down. People are really starting to question the SDR army model that is built over the last couple of years and trying to figure out other creative ways to get into deals, to get into target account to keep top of funnel humming. What we found personally is kind of three different things. First, founder brand like I read Dave Gerhardt book. I believe in that like I believe most founders have something really unique to say. I spent, you know, 10 years doing sales and thinking about in an outbound driven capacity. So I have a lot to say on that front. I've made a lot of the mistakes I've learned from others and you know, I've been posting a lot about on that on LinkedIn and the reach is insane. I think there's some people doing that really well that I'm trying to look up to and follow. The second thing for us in customer marketing, just learning from some of our customers how they're using the product, what are the weird ways they're adopting this in ways that we didn't expect and they're making sure we're sharing that out every day. We're learning from some. Customer that is doing something really interesting and creative on the prospecting side. Give you an example. One of our customers, they sell to developers, they actually like wrote a book talking about how to use AI. Like that's a really creative thing and we're hearing that every day. So trying to make our customers the heroes and then through that people are discovering who we are. And then the last thing is especially it's an early stage company, it's easy to think about boiling the ocean and going after you know 10s of thousands of targets just getting really narrow in. Who are named accounts and why? Where do we have a unique point of view? Where do we have really good referenceable customers? Who are we 100% sure we can help and spending more of our time on less accounts? Got it? No, that's amazing. Three key points you mentioned, what is the founder of brand and the unique point of view, how do you amplify that so people get to know you better? The second thing is focus on your target accounts. Don't get, you know, don't spread too thin. And the third thing is use your customer situational pain points and how they're using your product to get the word out there, right, because customers like to learn from customers. Is that right? And their peers and what they kind of relate to. So that's amazing. That's a great job by the way, and something for us all to learn. Learn from what you're doing. Yeah. And I'm trying to learn out here every day. We're at this conference. I got a bunch of good ideas coming out of this. I think that's what's awesome about tech. Or people are sharing different ideas and trying out together and it's changing so fast. Yeah, the Sanderson St. has been great, really glad to be here. And then the last thing that we are seeing around attribution, which is what we focus on, we are finding that demand and budgets are really shrinking. Need for attribution and not not only just attribution like in terms of who gets the credit, but for demand and marketers to understand what the what, what sources, what channels in the top of the funnel are leading to real performance in terms of pipeline and revenue is more important than ever, right? Because if you kind of get that right, then you can actually save more than 30% or 40% of your budget and Max your pipeline ROI around that. What are you seeing in this, like when you guys think about it and when you interact with other marketers that you sell? What, what are the pain points that they are trying to struggle with and how? Any insights on attribution? I think it's just I think it's getting harder and harder. That's what I think. I think like you know every single day we have someone that comes inbound that an SDR is targeting that we probably send ads to in a variety of different channels. I think it's getting really hard to do that. I think there's some people that are kind of like look we can try to figure out how this is working or we just know that that something is working. Let's keep doing some of the things, but I don't have the the magic ticket. An attribution. I don't think we do a great job of it overall. I think we're not spending on too many channels just yet. So it's a little bit easier for us to know. But once we get start spending on more and more channels like, yeah, you need to know how that's happening. And I think marketers are facing a challenge of, hey, I need to grow, but they're also the first people to get their teams reduced or their budgets reduced, right, which presents a really interesting challenge and need to get better at that. Yeah, no, absolutely. That's what we are seeing, just proving value and maxing whatever budget you have. Is kind of very, very important. So thanks for this talk for all your insights. And we'll definitely post this and we'll have a link to Todd's bio and his LinkedIn profile, and you guys can read all his insights on LinkedIn. Thank you. Awesome. Thanks.
Great insights Todd Busler - Deepinder Singh Dhingra ... I agree that marketing needs to get the right leads to sales... and definitely form fills as optimization touchpoints "are dead."
My GTM POV here: Not only is attribution tough, it's often focused on specific ads/emails and form fills and that focus needs to shift.
We need to attribute pre-form fill events, but also include post-form fill events and actions. What I call deep funnel optimization.
Marketing needs to find the ads/emails that lead to great discovery calls and the ads/emails that create the most late-stage opportunities.
Digital Marketing SME
11moGreat insights Todd Busler - Deepinder Singh Dhingra ... I agree that marketing needs to get the right leads to sales... and definitely form fills as optimization touchpoints "are dead." My GTM POV here: Not only is attribution tough, it's often focused on specific ads/emails and form fills and that focus needs to shift. We need to attribute pre-form fill events, but also include post-form fill events and actions. What I call deep funnel optimization. Marketing needs to find the ads/emails that lead to great discovery calls and the ads/emails that create the most late-stage opportunities.