Eaton SAKS International Group’s Post

The feedback over the weekend has been exceptional Patricia Pendleton. Our CEO Dr. Lee Hutchinson gave his insights on how he is billing $2.7M in personal billings whilst growing the business across ASIA and LATAM, opening new practice functions and leading a team of over 400+ people and growing. Our new practices include: Emerging Leadership & Talent Insights Coaching and Candidate Rebranding Outplacement Programmes Board Assignments & NED Women in Leadership The Future of Hiring Lee explained that consistency, humility, integrity is key. Things will get tough, really tough. Market conditions will change, mindsets will change and not always for the better. How our minds adapt under pressure is what will set us apart, many may crumble under pressure and point blame elsewhere, the key achievers will step up and change their tactics. Those who cant adapt will make excuses and look for blame elsewhere. Dr. Lee Hutchinson placed 36 key positions in 2023, all of these roles retained baring a few. That does not sound a lot. Only 3 placements per month, some of these placements are $40,000 fees, not huge fees but important hires for his clients, others can range from $130,000 - $160,000 fees for senior executives. Out time is key. We cant get time back so use it wisely. Even 3 fees a month at $40,000 is nearly $1.5M billing. Its a numbers game with good analytics and measurements. Each search whether a $100,000 salary or a $600,000 is the same process, same detail, same approach, the only thing that changes is the final fee. So logic tells us, for the same time, same resources, same process, go for the bigger retained search and get paid twice/three times the fee for the same challenging work. Be smart, be proactive,. don't wait for work to come to you, don't make excuses. "Many ask how" How do we get that level of search. Well, credibility, networking, meeting people, don't do the normal, the normal is boring. Build a brand, build identity, go cross border, expand your network, industry reach. go into the unknown and take risks. Make sure you fail, then fail again, but always learn from these mistakes. Never think you know it all, once you have this thought you have lost. Dr. Lee Hutchinson lives in Dubai but only 5% of his work is here. This is not the future, Saudi is not the future, although the claim it will be. Make you own future, build your own destiny, be different. Have identity and be disruptive. Back in the 2000's the search industry was led by 6-7 key players. It was very hard to break through, they had the monopoly. Today the playing field has leveled Eaton SAKS International Group are living proof that you can work with the top S&P, Fortune 500 client and make an impact. For a personal one to one with Dr. Lee Hutchinson on how to build your brand, how to become a full 360 professional, how to drive your social impact and get career counsel please feel free to reach me directly. Patricia Pendleton

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Disrupting the Executive Search & Leadership Industry | EX Big 4 Partner | Leadership Neuroscience & Assessment Leader | Career Coach to over 700 CEO's | Forbes 100 | Hospitality & Retail Board Member |

Thursday, I had the privilege of speaking at the Executive Search 'Big Billers' event at Shangri-La Abu Dhabi. It was enlightening to discuss the challenges faced by top performers in today's market with industry peers. Their openness and vulnerability shed light on the underlying factors impacting billings and client acquisition and how the search industry has changed by unrealistic client expectations. One key takeaway was the importance of mastering the basics. Effective communication, meticulous note-taking, and managing ego are crucial for success. It's common for successful professionals to be driven, protective of clients, and focused on winning. However, neglecting essential tasks like communication and admin can hinder progress. Actually this is 100% the issue, cutting corners, thinking we know the end result before its ever happened. Psychologically telling ourself that this is the best candidate and they will get the job when there is still a 70% chance things may not work out. This is suicide and a lapse of concentration and integrity. Upon reviewing the practices of some industry leaders, it became evident that certain fundamental aspects were lacking Insufficient business development efforts No emails sent, certainly not enough, this was ignorance or arrogance! Limited innovation Inadequate email engagement Lack of collaboration with colleagues Disregard for brand and mentorship - certainly disrespect for senior members of their teams who want to help and guide. Unethical client acquisition tactics Inconsistent search methodologies Compromised integrity for short-term gains The market play a 10% role, its their instincts, actions, process and accountability that changed. Very simple In 2023 Dr. Lee Hutchinson billed $2.37M. This for me is the highest ever, this was a mixture of the S&P, Fortune 500, Forbes clients, Family Businesses, PE firms and Start up at senior level. Can I take the credit for doing this alone? Absolutely not, its impossible. I need researchers, AI, CRM's, analytics and trust It's essential to stay true to oneself and maintain integrity in all professional interactions. Success in the industry requires a balance of ambition, teamwork, and ethical conduct Embrace authenticity and stay committed to excellence in all aspects of your work I saw peoples true colours come out when the pressure got too much and when you back is against the wall your true inner instincts and traits come out. True character shows. This is not normally a positive It reminded me of a similar situation I had to manage in my business when people who are not billing, or not billing what they were, think they know the system, can beat the system and know it better. Corners are cut, blame is on everyone else like the client or candidate or market or package. Lets be honest, its not at all. Its you. You have let yourself down, ego has kicked in, the basics have not been followed and now its backfired. Take accountability. Stop Blaming

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