How are you really going to get organizations to decarbonize and comply with requirements aligned with a 1.5 degrees Celsius world?
This is a common question I am often asked in discussions with professionals outside the climate sector. This especially arises in India where the impact of climate change is disproportionately felt but climate action has been lagging compared to the United States and Europe, but is slowly catching up.
As an experienced advocacy organization, Ceres, Inc. has consistently engaged with leading multinational corporations and investors to set near-term and long-term net-zero targets. Now that a large number of them have their targets in place, the billion dollar next step is to set climate transition action plans i.e. #CTAPs.
In our organization's continuous efforts to advocate for transition action plans, this report on highlighting the best practices of some of the companies ahead of the curve is critical to build the conversation to further improve the number of quality of CTAPs published.
Kudos to Tyler McCullough Laura Draucker and Daniel Heine in their relentless work to put this together.
We’re excited to share our newest resource to help companies create leading climate transition action plans (CTAPs). This first-of-its-kind guidance includes 45 real-world examples from companies like Ball Corporation, General Mills, Mars, and National Grid. Download the report to learn how to set science-based targets, ensure a just transition, and integrate climate goals into your core business strategy: #ClimateAction #ClimateTransition
Blueprint for Implementing a Leading Climate Transition Action Plan
Exactly what businesses need!