You cannot get any closer than this; if you've been wanting or interested to experience Mitsubishi Power Asia Pacific's Takasago Hydrogen Park! In addition to this valuable opportunity - learn more about their latest offering in gas turbine solutions, as well as the refreshing experience of embarking on a VR trip to their ACES project in the U.S. Booth#K02 is a must visit when you're at Enlit Asia, and tomorrow's the final chance to do so! >> #EnergyTransition #Hydrogen #Decarbonisation #Renewables #EnlitAsia #EnergyTransition #Hydrogen #Decarbonisation #Renewables #EnlitAsia
Bang Khairul Khafizan Masror palid solid !
That engineer who works at that upcoming Independent Power Producer (IPP) in Kedah, Malaysia
4moKhairul Khafizan Masror dah famous la tu 👏