There are three phases to bioprospecting: collection, scientific research and analysis, and commercialisation. EUREMAP brings together 4 European research infrastructures that will ensure that our service pipeline supports you from the beginning to the end of your marine biodiscovery activities: 1st ) EMBL and ELIXIR will be responsible for exploring the genomic content of organisms and explore bioprospecting using bioinformatics approaches. 2nd ) The EMBRC - European Marine Biological Resource Centre will provide access to organisms for systematic analysis. Together with EU-OPENSCREEN, they will conduct bioactivity profiling to understand the performance of molecules and their application in industry. The ability to test a wider range of bioassays will enhance the discovery of novel compounds, such as: - new human and animal medicines (anti-cancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant) - novel compounds with potential applications as cosmeceuticals, for aquaculture, anti-fouling and antibiofilm, among others. UiT Norges arktiske universitet | Fundacion MEDINA | Universiteit Gent | Tel Aviv University | Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research | SINTEF | Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Sorbonne Université| European Research Executive Agency (REA) | Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn | CNRS #euremap #marinebioprospection #blueeconomy #EU_RIs
Exciting times!
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