European Biosolutions Coalition’s Post

🌱 It all starts with biosolutions 🌍 Well, at least 2025 did. We are happy to share some great news: 📜 Alongside 19 other industry associations and organisations, we co-signed a letter to President von der Leyen’s cabinet, emphasizing the importance of ensuring a cross-sectoral scope for the Biotech Act. 💬 The response was encouraging. While we feared a narrow, pharmaceutical-only oriented Biotech Act, we were reassured that the Commission’s commitment, as was outlined in their Political Guidelines, still seeks to fully embrace the entire biotech revolution. We need a bold European Biotech Act in 2025. 🔬 They acknowledge what the biosolutions sector have known for long: biotechnologies can help modernise the European economy in a wide variety of areas. 💡 For that to happen, and for us to fully unleash the potential of biotech and biomanufacturing in Europe, we need to create conditions that stimulate biosolutions in Europe. They simply are that important. That’s why we’re glad to see the Commission reaffirm their stance in support of a cross-sectoral Biotech Act. ✅ 📆 With many initiatives ahead, and among them most notably the Biotech Act, we now have further reason to hope that biosolutions in Europe will thrive. 💪 In the meantime, we’ll keep saying it louder: we need a bold Biotech Act!

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Georg Kääb

Senior storyteller for biotechnology with |transkript @BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH # with still an own kind of opinion about whatsoever


First of all we need a new OneEurope vision. Even if it would only have a core of European countries in the center. We have to include UK and Switzerland as innovation drivers. The pace has to be defined by the fast movers not the slowest thinkers. Europe has to embrace the Euro as a currency to support a circular economical selfsustained hub for free minds in legislation you can count on. Europe has the minds, the talents, the goods and the science. Forget USA and China, the closest partner for Europe is Africa. The next Green Deal has to pave a way for a absolutely new treaty organization in education, innovation and (bio)economy with Africa.

Oliver Schacht

Life Science Nord Management GmbH / BIO Deutschland e.V.


Great to see #biotech being supported from the top political powers that be in #EU … would be great to see like minded attitude from next German chancellor making biotech #Chefsache

Christian Soschner

🚀 VCs & execs don’t need more deals—they need the right ecosystem. I help investors and founders engineer markets, amplify industries, and dominate their space. 🎙️ Join 17K+ listening to a Top 10% Podcast → ⬇️


Most importantly we need tax credits for investments in European biotechs and make access to the European Labour market simpler for international talent.

Dr. Christina Stacke

Chief Scientist Life Science | Experte für effiziente Forschungsprozesse und Gründerberatung | Flexible, vollausgestattete Laborlösungen – Infrastruktur, damit Sie sich auf Innovation konzentrieren können.


I'm curious if supporting co-working labs will be part of the agenda. I think it's the best use of public funding if the researchers and founders can put all their funds in actual science, instead of using their precious time and money to build and maintain an up to date lab

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