On July 16th, the International Trade Centre (ITC) joined forces with the European Commission, the Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, (MICM) of the Dominican Republic, and the Cámara de Comercio y Producción de Santo Domingo (CCPSD) to organize a workshop on the new trade rules governing trade with the EU. This event, which took place at the MICM, aimed to create awareness about the new EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) and the Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), with a focus on ensuring business continuity for Dominican exports to the EU, especially in the cocoa industry.
The workshop was opened by H.E. Katja Afheldt, EU Ambassador to the DR, H.E. Vilma Arbaje, Vice-Minister at the MICM, and Josefina Thomas Knipping from the CCPSD.
The workshop included the following technical presentations, followed by a general discussion with participants:
Market information systems and tools of the EU for exporters from third countries: by Merianny Gonzalez, EU Delegation in Santo Domingo
CS3D: presented by myself
EUDR: presented by Luis Araque de Juan, Chief of the Trade Section at the EU Delegation in Santo Domingo
The workshop also featured a testimonial from Ms. Dinorah Burgos of COOPROAGRO on the work carried out by ITC with CLAC within the framework of the ACP-EU Business Friendly Programme, aimed at supporting Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) exporters in adhering to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) trade-related rules and regulations.
Private sector representatives and experts, including Roselyn Amaro Bergés , Executive Vice-President of Asociación Dominicana de Exportadores (ADOEXPO), Maria del Pilar Hernández, Executive Vice-President of the DR Cocoa Foundation, Johnny Molina from the Comisión Nacional del Cacao, Gisela Delgado and Taiana Mora-Ramis attended the workshop.
A big thanks to Vladimir Hernández del Orbe and his team from the MICM for the excellent coordination of this important exchange.
This initiative is part of the accompanying measures promoted by the EU and ITC, ably led by Pamela Coke-Hamilton, to ensure that exporters from developing and transition countries have the necessary knowledge and tools to implement ESG-compliant protocols, thereby promoting global sustainable development and SME competitiveness.
#Intracen, #UN, #ThisWeekAtITC #MCIM #EU #CCPSD #SDG #ESG
Great! It’s in order.. Keep on keeping on..