⚡️ The iliad Group announces its signature of three power purchase agreements (#PPAs) in France, Italy and Poland with ENGIE and Statkraft. Representing total energy capacity of 89.5 MW, these three PPAs mark a key milestone in implementing our #Climate Plan. 🇪🇺 Under these new PPAs, the iliad Group has undertaken to purchase the electricity generated by solar farms located in Sainte-Gemme in #France, Latina in #Italy, and Resko in #Poland, for the 10 to 15 years as from when they come into service in 2025. 👉 Including our first PPA in France announced in January 2023, this brings the total renewable electricity production capacity developed thanks to the Group to almost 140 GWh, i.e., approximately the equivalent of the annual domestic consumption of a city like Quimper in 🇫🇷, Padua in 🇮🇹 or Częstochowa in 🇵🇱. ✅ It also corresponds to the electricity consumed by 5 million of our subscribers in Europe through their use of our network infrastructure. Consequently, the proportion of the iliad Group’s direct electricity consumption covered by renewable energy supplied under PPAs will amount to 13% in 2025. 🌳 Because solar farms can have a significant impact on their surrounding landscapes and communities, the iliad Group is very rigorous when selecting its projects. As a result, the three new solar farms all carry the internationally recognized EKOenergy label. And each of the projects is expected to yield additional benefits, including in terms of preserving biodiversity and positively impacting the local economy. ✍ And we don’t intend to stop there: we’ve pledged that by 2035 at last 50% of our electricity consumption in Poland and Italy – the countries that have the highest-carbon energy mix out of our three geographies – and 20% in France will be covered by PPAs. Read our press release 👉 https://lnkd.in/eHAg3qB4 Thomas Reynaud, Nicolas Thomas, Benedetto Levi, Jean Marc Harion, Romain Le Creff, Maëlle Camus-Ginger, Lydia ATMANI L-ATTHALIN, Cécile RIZZO, Gwenaelle Rose 玫瑰, CFA
A Real-world example of smart energy management. #innovation
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