Shoutout to Global Innovation Fund for spearheading the movement and spotlighting the impact of our #edutainment endeavors and those of The MTV Staying Alive Foundation. The potential for scaling up social behavior change communication is immense, and we're ready to seize it!
In the final blog in our joint series with our friends and colleagues at Innovations for Poverty Action, we highlight how #edutainment is powerful tool in the fight for #genderequality. In their recent #report on 'Best Bets' in #globaldevelopment, Innovations for Poverty Action singles out edutainment interventions for their strong evidence of #impact and potential to #scale. Entertainment mediums like #film, #television, and #radio not only have the power to #influence societies and cultures, but also to bring about widespread behavioural change by positively engaging people on critical issues. We highlight the work of two #investments in GIF's portfolio: Impact(Ed) International and The MTV Staying Alive Foundation ⬇ #internationaldevelopment #aid #socialimpact #innovatingtogether #gender #innovation