Institute for the Study of War’s Post

NEW: Russian President Vladimir Putin directed on June 28 the production and deployment of nuclear-capable short- and intermediate-range missiles following the American withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in 2019, likely as part of the Kremlin's ongoing reflexive control campaign to influence Western decision making in Russia's favor. Rad more in the June 28, 2024 Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment: Additional Key Takeaways: Ukrainian forces reportedly struck an oil depot in Russia on June 28 and reportedly struck a microelectronics plant and a military unit on the night of June 27 to 28. The Ukrainian Armed Forces Center for Strategic Communications (StratCom) reported on June 28 that Ukrainian forces have damaged or destroyed more than 30 Russian military aircraft in the first six months of 2024, although ISW cannot confirm this report fully. Many Russian elites have reportedly shifted from criticizing Russia's war effort in Ukraine to supporting it because they assess that Russia is prevailing. Russian officials called for harsher punishments in Russia's criminal system, likely in response to the recent terrorist attacks in Dagestan. Russia may be creating a shadow fleet to transport Russian liquified natural gas (LNG) and circumvent Western sanctions. Ukrainian forces recently regained lost positions near Vovchansk and Kreminna, and Russian forces recently advanced near Chasiv Yar. Russian opposition outlet Vazhnye Istorii used Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) data to estimate that over 71,000 Russian men died in the war in Ukraine in 2022 and 2023.

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Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) even a few days ago the newly allowed ordinance was arriving to Ukraine too slowly to match the ruZZian daily weapon use. This is unacceptable! Doing something on the western side is not an excuse at all for not doing the minimum required. Not when the situation is slowly drifting towards the danger of a full blow out of WW III, which Putin would be likely to start later. Our ‘chicken politicians’ clearly treat this like their usual paper shuffling. No concept of comparative scales or of any urgency. General David H. Petraeus, US Army (Ret.) wrote on June 26, 2024: “Ukraine’s pervasive shortage of critical air defense missiles is inhibiting Ukraine’s ability to protect its critical infrastructure against Russian strikes.” A briefing from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) on June 15, 2024: “Ukrainian First Deputy Defense Minister Lieutenant General Ivan Havrylyuk reported that Western military assistance has begun to arrive in Ukraine, but that Western military assistance will likely not arrive at scale and significantly impact the frontline situation for several more weeks to months.”

Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


Ukraine has 603,628 sq km (233,030 sq mi) area, which is 27.26 times larger than Israel at 22.135 sq km (8,630 sq mi). It appears from one recent source that Ukraine has now 5 Patriots (2 until very recently). President Zelensky has been asking for a very long time for 9 total. Israel has around 8 Patriots. A rough calculation based on the Country areas would imply that Ukraine should have around 218 Patriots to be protected worse than Israel is, because Ukraine hasn’t got an Air Force as strong as Israeli Air Force is. Please confirm or correct all these numbers if somebody has better data. I recall a moment the first Patriots were sent to Israel in emergency. There was a joy, because they could even do a job they had not been designed for. Also at that initial time presumably fewer were available. It took ONLY HOURS TO SUPPLY & DEPLOY THEM! NOW THE EMERGENCY IS A LOT GREATER - DEFΣATING PUT1N and PREVENTING WW III affecting our (the EU & the US) safety. The entire Israel is not involved in military operations as intensive as those in Ukraine are. WHERE IS THE US LΣADERSH1P? A MAJOR DIFFERENCE: The President’s name was George H W Bush.

Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


Helping Ukraine to defeat Putin is the Raison d’État of the US & that of the EU. This is because a negotiated agreement or a fall of Ukraine would have resulted in strengthening Putin. Rewarded territorially and with disarmed Ukraine he would have returned 5 minutes later & grabbed everything he cannot get now with hardly a shot being fired. Because Putin’s internal survival depends on his international brigandries more aggression would have followed, eventually against a NATO Country = WW III. Even in a case there had been any doubt about the above (and there is not) the risk it might happen would have been unacceptable -> Putin must be defeated now in order to prevent much greater carnage, more countries being ravaged, more kidnappings, rapes & astronomical costs. Ukraine wants to do all the fighting now & our cost would be minor. National Leaders, including President Biden have a sworn duty to protect us from events like WW III that would be started by Putin. President Biden confirmed in his 2024 State of the Union Address that he expects Putin to attack a NATO Country next. So did our Congressional Minority Leaders: Senator Mitch McConnell & Rep. Hakeem Jeffries. Please listen to Prof. Timothy Snyder - he explains it all.

Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


I suggest that everybody listens to Prof. Timothy Snyder’s interview and lecture and tries to really understand what he is saying. Please note the link further below to another blog. In a case one might still not understand here is a brief summary: 1. Putin must be defeated in Ukraine. (That requires much more of our help. A no-fly zone NOW would be a good start, but more might be needed.) 2. A forced negotiation or a fall of Ukraine = strengthened Putin would start WW III that we would have to fight slightly later without Ukrainian help. If somebody thinks that being YELL0W is a good justification for risking Item 2, instead of a victory as per Item 1, I would question that person’s reasoning capability. That includes our ‘chicken politicians’. Putin is very unlikely to use nukes, because we are much better protected from him than he is from us. If he is stupid enough to try, Opition 1 is still much better than Option 2 is.

Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


Many more Patriots should be deployed in Ukraine without any delay. And we might need to do more than to secure Ukrainian Air Space in order to let Ukrainians defeat Putin there. That is necessary unless somebody can find a more effective way to help. Alternatively or in addition, a no-fly zone above Ukraine should be introduced as from a long time ago. It is a great idea. Several variants have been suggested. It could be enforced from outside Ukraine, but it does not have to be. It is 100% defensive. We inform ruZZians about it. If they attack independent and sovereign country Ukraine it is their fault - they get their fingernails clipped by our stealth F-35s and/or F-22s. They have no defense against them. But Putin must be defeated in Ukraine. It is the Raison d’État of the United States and also the Raison d’État of the European Union. For some of our NATO Allies it is the Raison d’Être. Otherwise we we will have WW III !

Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


IT MIGHT BE THAT THE REQUIRED CHURCHILL STYLE LEADERSHIP IS MISSING! The important qualifications are that the pre-WW II Great Britain could have been overpowered in everything but the Navy; now we can overpower Putin in every area, no exceptions, AND OVERWHELMINGLY SO! It appears that the American insufficiency+ in handling the war in Ukraine is backfiring already in the Far East, see the quotations further below. The US pre-election tit-for-tat with neither side having a plan consistent with the US interests does not help either. Please note below a VERY SOBER article from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), written while the US Government appears to be 1NTOX1CATΕD and incompetent. Here are just two quotations/highlights: “The US still does not fully grasp the nature of the Russian threat.” “A Russian victory in Ukraine will empower US adversaries in many ways — the most dangerous of all, perhaps, would be US adversaries learning that the US can be manipulated into abandoning its interests in a winnable fight.”

Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


Unless President Biden starts acting quickly, he will share the responsibility with Putin for millions that will die in WW III that Putin is likely to start. That is likely to include many Ukrainians, Americans & Europeans who otherwise do not have to die. The situation is quickly drifting towards that possibility and President Biden is partly responsible. So are other western ‘leaders’ who are dragging their feet. WW III might be still avoidable, but soon it may be too late. There should be a clear and fullproof strategy: 1. Already in progress to defeat Putin in Ukraine. 2. That strategy should have a sufficiently wide safety margin implemented to absorb any future uncertainities. We have neither of the above. No plan or strategy, no safety margin, neither of the above in progress. We understand the dangers much better than one man did in the 1930-ties. There are many more who understand the situation and we / they are not shy about it. In a case there had been a doubt about the above (which there is not), any danger to disregard it would be too high to accept. 0UR LΣADERS HAVE N0 EΧCUSE N0W ! They must do their sworn duty.

Christopher J. Wajnikonis

Engineering Consultant at CJW Aero-Hydrodynamics


It is the Raison d’État of the United States, the European Union and NATO to defeat Putin in Ukraine. A plan is required; for example: 1. President Zelenskyy’s MODEST request for 7 more Patriot Systems should be AT LEAST TRIPLED (up to 30 times feels more right); this will take care of BOMBERS, OTHER WARPLANES & the REST (see below); 2. General Ben Hodges’s no-ruZZian-unmanned-flight zone enforced from outside Ukraine. 3. Unlimited continuous weapon supply for Ukraine. 4. If the above is insufficient a fully US and/or EU and/or NATO enforced no-ruZZian-flight zone should be introduced VERY PROMPTLY IN ORDER NOT TO LOOSE THE DYNAMIC ADVANTAGE ON THE BATTLEFIELD. 5. If the above is insufficient - boots on the ground in this DEFENSIVE WAR AGAINST THE ILLEGAL AGGRESSOR. Hopefully Items 1 - 3 will be sufficient, but the Ukrainian Victory must be decisive. Otherwise, there will be WW3. Here is an interview with Gen. Ben Hodges, the former Commander of the United States Army Europe: Please read ‘Organizing for Victory’ by General Ben Hodges, April 15, 2024.

Shawn Roberts

Operations Director | Tech Program Manager | Business Growth | Business Continuity/Emergency Operations Manager | Captain, USN | Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran | CISSP | PMP | TS SCI | POLY


The Institute for the Study of War always posts some great information. Don't typically see this news in corporate media. Disturbingly the window for the use of nuclear weapons is steadily opening wider. What will the world's reaction be if Russia does the unthinkable?

Thom. C.J. Young

Co Founder Lundgren & Young Insurance Ltd.


This bluff will be called.

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