This video produced by Kari Snyder captured the moment that Cup of Joey®️ was created. The momentum was built over the last 3+ years of unreasonable repetition -Wogbe (wo-bee) Ofori every Friday and beyond to explore how people were connecting post pandemic. The movement is up to you. What is your WHY? Do you have a purpose, in life? Once you answer that question, it is up to you to connect on purpose and for good. Your WHY is your future. You are just one Cup of Joey from the future.
How it all started. Cup of Joey®️ #HoustonTechRodeo It is awesome to reflect on the journey so far. Thankful for all of those who have experienced a Cup of Joey and excited about the future! #CorralConnections #SpurInnovation #WrangleTheWildIdeas
Love your doggedly determined intention to have us all focus on our WHY, and lead intros with that. There are so many mechanical steps we take every day, including how we introduce ourselves to others. While we may know it intellectually, we tend to live as if we ARE - and our value lies in - our title / position / salary / etc. Thanks for being the champion for ALL of us getting in touch with our REAL reason for being on Planet Earth, Joey!
Good memories! Hard to believe it has been over three years since Cup of Joey was born.
Excellent video Joey! This is awesome to see the origins!
Dad 👨🍼| Aspiring Texan🤠 | Making hard things that matter happen [views expressed are my own, always]
3moSo good, Joey Sanchez! Love the origin story, what date was the first Cup of Joey®️?