As a (distant!) member of the Institute of Regulation, with a long involvement in development of regulatory practice, which is now embedded in the Ministry for Regulation - Regulatory System Capability (referred to in this paper) I always look forward to seeing the products of the Institute’s work. The insights in this paper apply as well in NZ as they do in the UK. Another must read for everyone involved in developing, implementing or operating in regulatory systems.
🤝 Trust matters 🤝 ‘Regulators know trust of the public, regulated entities, government and parliament are important to effective regulation’. In Institute of Regulation’s recent research ‘Good Regulation – Getting the best from regulation for the benefit of the UK economy and society’ we identified three opportunities to drive improvement in regulation. Building trust in regulation was one of these. Based on insights from over 150 regulatory professionals, our research uncovered concerns from regulators to play an active and positive role in strengthening relationships between regulators and Parliament, government and the public. This to promote effective regulation, while contributing to innovation and growth. Regulators are tackling the issue of trust in a number of ways; our report highlights three case studies: - North Sea Transition Authority are using regulation collaborative to achieve shared goals to halve upstream emissions by 2030. - Food Standards Agency promote openness as a core value, ensuring disclosure of information is the norm, so that board agendas, papers and minutes all publicly available. -Ofqual and Ofsted publish research drawing insights from inspectors and regulators in course of routine to extend understanding of provision in their sectors. If you’re looking for a summer read on ways to promote growth in the UK economy and society, we think you’ll find this insight report worth a closer look. 👉 For our latest blogpost and to read the full report: 👈
It's great to see such a strong connection between regulatory practices in different regions. The insights you're highlighting certainly seem invaluable for anyone in the field. What aspects of the paper do you find particularly impactful for current regulatory challenges?