Air Operations Seminar
From March 11 to 14, some officer students as well as student commissioners took part in the Air Operations Seminar (SOA). This seminar is part of an approach aimed at making young officer cadets aware of the way in which air operations are conducted and operated. Concrete feedback and a practical exercise allow them to touch the complexity of interallied work under time constraint.
Our officer cadets then benefited from interventions led by experts from the Analysis and Simulation Center for air operations preparation. The latter discussed with the students all the components that constitute an air operation, including its inter-allied dimension: how the Joint Force Air Command - NATO's operational tool responsible for conducting air operations - is organized, the fundamentals of inter-allied air power and the missions it pursues, or how targeting, intelligence and surveillance are articulated on such a scale.
In addition, several officers of the forces came to share their testimony and experience with the students. Lieutenant-Colonel Bertrand, at the head of the Command Training Squadron, returned to his experience in exercise PEGASE 2022, which deploys three Rafale, two A330 MRTT and two A400M in Asia-Pacific. Indeed, France has territories in this region as well as many interests, especially industrial interests, to protect. There was also a desire to reassure fellow citizens, after two years marked by COVID-19. It is in this context that the lieutenant-colonel practiced as an assistant to the officer of the brand before the exercise and then as deputy chief conductor during its conduct. From then on, the lieutenant-colonel focused on the preparation of this mission, which was divided into three phases: the "Henri Brown" projection mission pushing the air device to New Caledonia in less than 72 hours, participation in the "Pitch Black 22" exercise organized by the Royal Australian Air Force and finally the realization of two valued stages in Indonesia and Singapore. A maneuver that will have required a total of the equivalent of four months of work; between initial preparation, site survey (confrontation between the projected and existing needs), completion of the mission by managing breakdowns and deadlines, and drafting of the RETEX. An experience that mobilized great responsibilities and tested the command qualities of the lieutenant-colonel. A undoubtedly inspiring perspective for our officer cadets who will be led to hold such positions.
✈ Durant 4 jours, les élèves-commissaires ancrage air de la promotion Solferino (deuxième année) ont été invités à prendre part au Séminaire des Opérations Aériennes (SOA) organisé par l’École de l'air et de l'espace !
Une expérience qui leur a offert un aperçu des opérations aériennes et des particularités de leur gestion à travers des retours d'expérience et un exercice pratique. L’occasion d’appréhender de manière approfondie les défis et les enjeux inhérents à la conduite et à l'opération des missions aériennes, en mettant en lumière le rôle crucial des commissaires dans ces processus ! 🌍
En savoir plus :
La formation des commissaires d’ancrage air alterne ainsi entre théorie et pratique, avec notamment des stages réalisés en base aérienne, ou encore le passage du brevet d'initiation parachutiste militaire (BIPM).
Séminaire des opérations aériennes ⋆ L'École de l'air et de l'espace L'École de l'air et de l'espace
Chief Officer LPG tankers (VLGC/Fully-ref/Masters CoC)
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