For World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, here are some startling #trends about #humantrafficking and #moderslavery in the UK from today's webinar with Unseen UK's Frontline and Helpline teams.
⚡ Unseen has reported a significant increase in the exploitation of #underageyouth across the U.K. Latest data shows a troubling rise in various forms of exploitation, including #domesticservitude, #criminalexploitation, and #sexualexploitation.
Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline: The helpline saw a 19% increase in calls in 2023, with a total of 11,700 calls compared to 9,779 in 2022. This surge reflects a higher number of identified potential victims, particularly among underage individuals (Unseen).
County Lines Exploitation: A significant number of children are being exploited through county lines operations, where criminal gangs use minors to transport and sell drugs. Unseen's #LikesToLines campaign highlights that at least 27,000 children are believed to be involved in county lines across the UK (Unseen).
Forms of Exploitation: There has been a notable increase in cases of child sexual exploitation and online grooming. Reports indicate a 10% rise in child sexual exploitation crimes within the last year, with online grooming crimes increasing by 82% over the past five years (Unseen).
⚡ ⅓ of calls to Unseen are from members of the public concerned about exploitation, including: physical abuse, not being paid properly by employers (exploiters), tension with and fear of employer (potential exploiter), or living arrangements being tied to employment.
⚡ The greatest number of helpline calls are from #labour exploitation in the workforce. In 2023, for the first time, cases of exploitation were predominantly in the #CareSector. Before that it was traditionally in the #ServiceIndustry.
⭐⭐Unseen run the free, 24/7, confidential national Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline open to everyone (08000 121 700). ⭐⭐
Thank you Alice Dutton, Lauren Saunders, Natasha Mitra and Unseen's anonymous Case Worker for this important discussion!
#humantrafficking #modernslavery #stoptrafficking #humanrights #WorldDayAgainstTraffickinginPersons
Imagine a world where all survivors are thriving, independent, and empowered.
Today, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we ask you to see the world #ThroughTheirEyes and support our new appeal.
Survivors of modern slavery arriving at our charity face unimaginable challenges.
Your donation will help provide essential services like ongoing trauma-informed care and practical assistance, as well as communal activities and employability workshops.
Donate now and invest in hope ➡
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