Ending 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 🧡 Today marks the end of the #16Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign. A global issue that affects 1 in 3 women worldwide—from physical abuse to harassment. Over the past two weeks, we’ve worked closely with partners to deliver events focused on women’s safety, support for those experiencing domestic abuse, and educational visits to schools by our MPs and councillors. As part of the ongoing #HearMyVoice partnership with Middlesex University, students showcased their projects addressing everyday misogyny and sexism—also featured on poster sites around Hendon. Internally, our environmental services leadership team held a talk for male staff members encouraging male colleagues to speak up if they witness harmful behaviours that perpetuate gender-based violence. In Barnet, we will continue to challenge inequality as part of our mission to create a safer, more inclusive community for everyone.
This is wonderful! I would love to explore this as part of the Brent Cross Town development - Is there anyone I might be in touch with at the council?
Interim Head of the Film School and Associate Professor, Film and Media at Middlesex University
3moIt has been an amazing collaborative effort. Reaching new audiences with new voices. #ChangingTheCulture 👏