We had a great meeting with everyone at National Robotics Engineering Center to discuss some potential applications! The conversations included some potential applications for their projects but they also gave us a lot of general ideas about where else this device could be used. Definitely a lot to think about and we really appreciate the insights. The feedback we received reaffirms our belief that this linear actuator technology has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries. We can't wait to share more updates as we progress! Make sure to follow our new company Tension Dynamics as we are going to be posting about our journey of bringing new technology to market. #linearactuator #robotics #engineering #automation #manufacturing #industrialautomation #roboticsengineering #innovation #technology #tech #newtech #innovationtechnology #pittsburgh #pghtech #pghinnovation #collaboration #partnership #networking
Last week, Tension Dynamics cofounders Spencer Krause, Michael Vindler, and Jason Economou (pictured left to right) stopped by the National Robotics Engineering Center to give NREC project leads an exclusive look at our new #linearactuator technology. Thanks for the invite, folks. We’re looking forward to the next one.
Fantastic update!
Scientist – Technologist – Ideator – Innovator – Communicator – Team Builder with Multi-Disciplinary Maker Mindset
5moAwesome! Hitting the ground running, aren't you?