Contracts are at the heart of every bussiness !
Either you are in buy or sell side, in big corporation or small business, in a project or operation environment, you need to have strong and safe contract, to protect your company or organization, to avoid any risks (legal, financial, operational, reputation, etc.) .
Understanding on the nature of the projects or operations, the applicable contract law, the contract's terms & conditions, the contract management and Purchase to Pay process, shall be the basic capability required by you and your team.
The projects or operations could be very complex and dynamics, and failure in contract and/or contract management could end up with disaster to the company or organization.
Below is the comparison of characteristics of projects vs operations. The big corporation will definitely have projects i.e. new production site, expansion of production facilities, renovation of buildings/plants ... at same time it is combined with various operations/activities i.e. production, office management, marketing, sales, logistic & transportation, maintenance, facility management, finance & accounting, recruitment, etc. which creates the need of goods supplier & services provider.
Unfortunately, today's situation, companies or organizations are facing difficulties to have such contract & contract management expertise inhouse, especially in Indonesia ...
This is just my two cents. Comments or feedback are welcome ! 😊