#OperA (Operate Anywhere) - looking to orchestrate 🎼 piloted air taxi & unmanned cargo ops!
OperA's key goal ⚽️ is to enable safe and efficient operations in all types of airspace (controlled, uncontrolled & #Uspace) and conditions by validating complex piloted air taxi and unmanned cargo operations in real-life ATM conditions including contingency & non-nominal situations.
Our latest OperA project meeting at #EIH the EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub 💡 saw consortium partners
🚩 discuss project status, comms & dissemination activities, standardisation & regulations, the execution of the Release 5 plan, and upcoming activities
🚩 review an important milestone reached: 📦 OperA Solution B - Unmanned eVTOL cargo operations - performed its first validation exercise which included the validation of processes, actors' activities, and operational & info-sharing procedures to enable UAS cross-border cargo operations.
For Solution B, the team successfully executed the first exercise use case, a large cargo #eVTOL flight between Lithuania 🇱🇹 and Latvia 🇱🇻, departing from U-space and continuing the flight in controlled and uncontrolled (Class G) airspace.
OperA is a SESAR Joint Undertaking project led by Honeywell that at the #EIH, we're supporting by
✈ assessing the consistency of OperA use cases with the U-space ConOps
✈ coordinating activities related to standards and regulations, from identifying their applicability to providing recommendations and considerations for the ecosystem built upon OperA trials.
✈ managing inter-project coordination by leveraging our involvement in multiple SESAR projects.
More info: Olivier Rea & Cecilia Claramunt Puchol
Experienced Global Investor | FinTech | AI & Blockchain Finance | Hedge Funds | PE/VC
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