Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hosting a conversation with Mariana Mazzucato, David Eaves, Henrique Dolabella, and Mansi Kedia about state capacity in the digital age and the role of Digital Public Infrastructure.
Here are some highlights:
- The digital agenda is also a state capacity and a sovereignty one.
- No infrastructure is neutral in directionality, and DPI is no exception. Therefore, there is only DPI with explicit Public Governance.
- As old as it gets: there's no one size fits all. Each country has unique specifications and models.
- We must find new ways of measuring the economic impact of digital transformation, and the current measurements don't account for the non-linearity of the impact that usually takes place in developing countries (Mansi's new study at iCRIER proposes a new framework)
- DPI thinking has the potential to support climate change efforts, and Brazil has been considering this approach to land registries.
Here are two good sources to reflect on the learnings above:
- Our DPI and Public Value Paper:
- iCRIER's new State of India Digital Economy Report 2024:
Missed our 2024 Forum?
Check out this engaging panel featuring IIPP's Mariana Mazzucato, David Eaves and Beatriz Vasconcellos speaking alongside Henrique Dolabella & Mansi Kedia on building state capacity in the #DigitalAge.
View here📽️
In the market for my next opportunity.
5moSounds great Stacey!