National Nutrition Foundation’s Post

We're proud to champion initiatives that connect nutrition with sustainability. The new Practice note is a vital resource for organisations aiming to implement the Healthy Choices guidelines while achieving sustainability goals. 🌍 Healthy Eating Advisory Service #forpeopleandplanet Learn more about the Practice note:

We’re proud to have contributed to the working group for implementing the Victorian Department of Health Healthy Choices guidelines with a focus on environmentally sustainable food and drinks. This initiative aligns with our commitment to creating healthier, more sustainable food environments. 🌱 The new Practice note provides practical guidance and sustainability tips to integrate environmental considerations into the Healthy Choices framework. From reducing waste to choosing sustainable menu options, these steps help ensure a better future for both our health and the planet. Together, we’re empowering organisations to adopt policies that make a positive impact on people and the environment. Find out more: National Nutrition Foundation

jude eisenhuth

naturopath nutritionist herbalist homoeopath massage therapist at feeling fantastic natural health solutions


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